Table of Contents
A widget package for Dexterity projects.
collective.z3cform.widgets provides the following widgets:
- EnhancedTextLinesFieldWidget
This widget is an ajaxified version of the TextLinesFieldWidget that will allow creation, sort, update and deletion of text lines; degrades to <textarea> if JavaScript is not enabled.
This widget uses the jQuery TaskPlease plugin.
- TokenInputFieldWidget
TokenInputFieldWidget allows your users to select multiple items from portal Subjects list , using autocompletion as they type to find each item. You may have seen a similar type of text entry when filling in the recipients field sending messages on Facebook. This widget will degrade to <textarea> if JavaScript is not enabled.
This widget uses the jQuery Tokeninput plugin.
If you install collective.z3cform.widgets in a Plone site it will replace every ICategorization subjects field's widget of any Dexterity-based content type with this one.
- MultiContentSearchFieldWidget
A widget to add a dynamic list of objects. This works as a widget for related items field so it must be used like this:
relatedItems = RelationList( title=_(u'label_related_items', default=u'Related Items'), default=[], value_type=RelationChoice(title=u"Related", source=ObjPathSourceBinder(portal_type='Document')), required=False, ) form.widget(relatedItems=MultiContentSearchFieldWidget)
The parameters passed to the ObjPathSourceBinder class are used to filter the search of elements to relate to. If no parameters are passed, a tree structure is shown in the widget.
- SimpleRichTextWidget
A lightweight and unbloated Rich Text Editor (RTE / WYSIWYG). These parameters can be configured:
'iframe_height': height in pixels, 'format_block': 'true' or 'false', 'bold': 'true' or 'false', 'italic': 'true' or 'false', 'unordered_list': 'true' or 'false', 'link': 'true' or 'false', 'image': 'true' or 'false', 'allow_disable': 'true' or 'false'
This widget uses the jQuery RTE plugin.
- EnhancedTextLinesFieldWidget
To use this widget we must use a List field or a Tuple field with the value_type as an schema.TextLine() like this:
from collective.z3cform.widgets.enhancedtextlines import EnhancedTextLinesFieldWidget form.widget(options = EnhancedTextLinesFieldWidget) options = schema.Tuple( title=_(u"Options"), value_type=schema.TextLine(), missing_value=(), )
- TokenInputFieldWidget
To use this Widget we must use a List field or a Tuple field with the value_type as a schema.TextLine() like this:
from collective.z3cform.widgets.token_input_widget import TokenInputFieldWidget form.widget(subjects=TokenInputFieldWidget) subjects = schema.List( title=_(u"Categories"), value_type=schema.TextLine(), default=[], )
- MultiContentSearchFieldWidget
The parameters passed to the ObjPathSourceBinder class are used to filter the search of elements to relate to.. if none parameter are passed, a tree structure is shown in the widget:
from collective.z3cform.widgets.multicontent_search_widget import MultiContentSearchFieldWidget form.widget(relatedItems=MultiContentSearchFieldWidget) relatedItems = RelationList( title=_(u"Related Items"), default=[], value_type=RelationChoice(title=u"Related", source=ObjPathSourceBinder(portal_type='Document')), )
- SimpleRichTextWidget
The following widgets will be available in this package in the near future:
- widget to select an option from a list; this widget will degrade to <select> if JavaScript is not enabled.
- widget to select multiple options from a list; this widget will degrade to <select> if JavaScript is not enabled.
This widgets will probably use the Chosen plugin.
All modern browsers should be supported (Mozilla Firefox 3.0+, Google Chrome 7.0+, Apple Safari 4.0+, Opera 10.0+ and Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.0+).
Got an idea? Found a bug? Let us know by opening a support ticket.
More widgets you might like:
- collective.z3cform.datagridfield: Version of DataGridField for use with Dexterity / z3c.form
- A revamp of Plone widgets, it does this by overriding the widgets of some of the fields in Plone.