Module to create an Azure VM without an Azure Agent and with the IMDS endpoint blocked.
These modification allow the VM to be onboarded to Azure as an Azure Arc-enabled Server using the azcmagent.
Most variables are self explanatory, and prepare the VM for manual or scale onboarding.
For a more automated onboarding, use the following:
var | type | description |
azcmagent | bool | Set to true to download and install the azcmagent binary. |
arc | object | Create a service principal with . Add required onboarding details - including the target resource group - to the arc object to automatically onboard. |
azcmagent = true
arc = {
tenant_id = "tenant"
service_principal_appid = "appId"
service_principal_secret = "password"
subscription_id = "subscriptionId"
resource_group_name = "arc_poc"
location = "uksouth"
tags = {
platform = "vSphere"
datacentre = "Citadel"
location = "Reading"
The resource group needs to pre-exist. The service principal requires the Azure Connected Machine Onboarding role on the resource group.
See for a fuller example.