a lightweight csv table parser in C# mainly for unity but also use in .net
suppose you have an addressbook.csv to read,the content is like below
TextAsset txtAssest = Resources.Load<TextAsset>(path);
string content = txtAssest.text;
int dataStartLineNumber = 1;
CSVFile file = new CSVFile(dataStartLineNumber);
CSVFile constructor need three params
dataStartLineNumber:data start line,in this case is from line 2,so dataStartLineNumber=1。
lineToken:line seperator,default value is "\r\n"。
columnToken:column seperator,default value is ","。
so it is possible to parse a none csv style data file such like line seperator is "\r",and column seperator is "\t"。
CSVFile will decode the file data as CSVLine structure,a CSVLine is represent a single line data
public class AddressBookData
public string Id;
public string Name;
public string Desc;
public string Data0;
public string Data1;
public string Data2;
public class AddressBookDataParser:CSVParser
//read data here
public override object GetData(List<string> datas)
AddressBookData rlt = new AddressBookData();
rlt.Id = datas[0];
rlt.Name = datas[1];
rlt.Desc = datas[2];
rlt.Data0 = datas[3];
rlt.Data1 = datas[4];
rlt.Data2 = datas[5];
return rlt;
List<AddressBookData> list = CSVMapper.Map<AddressBookData>(new AddressBookDataParser(), file);
if you dont need to have the csvfile structure, you can use CSVMapper to searilize data directly
CSVMapper.Map<AddressBookData>(new AddressBookDataParser(), content,1);
if you want to keep the cs data structure in the csvfile for later use such as save the file to csv later,you need to use method one
if not, use method two
because method two iterate the data file only once
method one iterate twice,one for csvfile, one for csvmap
public class AdressBookDataWriter:CSVDataWriter
public override void SetData(object data, CSVLineData lineData)
AddressBookData abData = data as AddressBookData;
if (abData == null)
modify data property Name
List<AddressBookData> list = CSVMapper.Map<AddressBookData>(new AddressBookDataParser(), file);
AddressBookData data = list[0];
data.Name = "modify";
AdressBookDataWriter writer = new AdressBookDataWriter();
CSVLineData lineToModify = file.GetLineDataAt(0);
writer.SetData(data, lineToModify);
string finalCSVText = file.ToCSV();
you need to keep the relationship between CSVFile and List
if the data number between list and csfile is not coincident,use CSVMapper.ToCSV method
CSVMapper.ToCSV(new AdressBookDataWriter(),file,list);
finalCSVText = file.ToCSV();
CSVFile.ToCSV() can output a csv text
if your searilized data has thounds of property,it's tedious to write it by hand, you can try the CSVCSFileCreator to generate file for you
CSVCSFileData classFileData = CSVCSFileCreator.CreateDataClassFile("AdBbookData", file.GetHeaderAt(0));
//here is the file content
a Parser file can alse be auto generated
CSVCSFileData parserClassFileData = CSVCSFileCreator.CreateParserClassFile("AdBbookData", file);
you can reference the CSVCSFileCreator source code,and write your own code autogen tool.