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feat(zhi-blog): add blog
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terwer committed May 7, 2023
1 parent 7e9d0ec commit 608bf15
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Showing 57 changed files with 10,530 additions and 135 deletions.
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions apps/zhi-blog/.env.example
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# ======= public vars =======
# 调试模式
# ======= public vars =======

# ======= private vars =======
# default type, is not set, siyuan is default

# siyuan

# WordPress
# ======= private vars =======
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions apps/zhi-blog/.eslintrc.cjs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
module.exports = {
root: true,
extends: ["./node_modules/@terwer/eslint-config-custom/index.cjs"],
ignorePatterns: ["node_modules/"],
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions apps/zhi-blog/.gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions apps/zhi-blog/.npmrc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions apps/zhi-blog/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
# zhi-blog

a blog based on siyuan-note api

## Quick start

### Use docker-compose for deploy <sup>recommended</sup>

docker compose up --build

### Development

Start the development server on http://localhost:3000

# Make sure you have `shamefully-hoist=true` in `.npmrc` before running pnpm install
pnpm install -F zhi-blog
pnpm dev -F zhi-blog

### Production

Build the application for production:

pnpm build -F zhi-blog
pnpm preview -F zhi-blog

for vercel:

pnpm vercelBuild -F zhi-blog

for siyuan

pnpm siyuanBuild -F zhi-blog

Check out the [deployment documentation]( for more information.
206 changes: 206 additions & 0 deletions apps/zhi-blog/app.config.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
export default defineAppConfig({
siteTitle: "浅海拾贝",
siteSlogan: "寻找未知的技术拼图",

// 主题配置
themeConfig: {
// 导航配置
nav: [
{ text: "首页", link: "/" },
text: "前端",
link: "/web/", //目录页链接,此处link是vdoing主题新增的配置项,有二级导航时,可以点击一级导航跳到目录页
items: [
// 说明:以下所有link的值只是在相应md文件头部定义的永久链接(不是什么特殊编码)。另外,注意结尾是有斜杠的
text: "前端文章",
items: [{ text: "JavaScript", link: "/pages/8143cc480faf9a11/" }],
text: "学习笔记",
items: [
{ text: "《JavaScript教程》", link: "/note/javascript/" },
{ text: "《JavaScript高级程序设计》", link: "/note/js/" },
{ text: "《ES6 教程》", link: "/note/es6/" },
{ text: "《Vue》", link: "/note/vue/" },
{ text: "《React》", link: "/note/react/" },
text: "《TypeScript 从零实现 axios》",
link: "/note/typescript-axios/",
text: "《Git》",
link: "/note/git/",
text: "TypeScript",
link: "/pages/51afd6/",
text: "JS设计模式总结",
link: "/pages/4643cd/",
text: "页面",
link: "/ui/",
items: [
{ text: "HTML", link: "/pages/8309a5b876fc95e3/" },
{ text: "CSS", link: "/pages/0a83b083bdf257cb/" },
text: "技术",
link: "/technology/",
items: [
{ text: "技术文档", link: "/pages/9a7ee40fc232253e/" },
{ text: "GitHub技巧", link: "/pages/4c778760be26d8b3/" },
{ text: "Nodejs", link: "/pages/117708e0af7f0bd9/" },
{ text: "博客搭建", link: "/pages/41f87d890d0a02af/" },
text: "更多",
link: "/more/",
items: [
{ text: "学习", link: "/pages/f2a556/" },
{ text: "面试", link: "/pages/aea6571b7a8bae86/" },
{ text: "心情杂货", link: "/pages/2d615df9a36a98ed/" },
{ text: "实用技巧", link: "/pages/baaa02/" },
{ text: "友情链接", link: "/friends/" },
{ text: "关于", link: "/about/" },
text: "收藏",
link: "/pages/beb6c0bd8a66cea6/",
// items: [
// { text: '网站', link: '/pages/beb6c0bd8a66cea6/' },
// { text: '资源', link: '/pages/eee83a9211a70f9d/' },
// { text: 'Vue资源', link: '/pages/12df8ace52d493f6/' },
// ],
text: "索引",
link: "/archives/",
items: [
{ text: "分类", link: "/categories/" },
{ text: "标签", link: "/tags/" },
{ text: "归档", link: "/archives/" },
sidebarDepth: 2, // 侧边栏显示深度,默认1,最大2(显示到h3标题)
logo: "img/logo-small.png", // 导航栏logo
repo: "terwer/zhi", // 导航栏右侧生成Github链接
// repo: "",
repoLabel: undefined,
searchMaxSuggestions: 10, // 搜索结果显示最大数
lastUpdated: "上次更新", // 开启更新时间,并配置前缀文字 string | boolean (取值为git提交时间)
docsDir: "docs", // 编辑的文件夹
// docsBranch: 'master', // 编辑的文件所在分支,默认master。 注意:如果你的分支是main则修改为main
editLinks: true, // 启用编辑
editLinkText: "编辑",

//*** 以下是Vdoing主题相关配置,文档: ***//

// category: false, // 是否打开分类功能,默认true
// tag: false, // 是否打开标签功能,默认true
// archive: false, // 是否打开归档功能,默认true
// categoryText: '随笔', // 碎片化文章(_posts文件夹的文章)预设生成的分类值,默认'随笔'

pageStyle: "line", // 页面风格,可选值:'card'卡片 | 'line' 线(未设置bodyBgImg时才生效), 默认'card'。 说明:card时背景显示灰色衬托出卡片样式,line时背景显示纯色,并且部分模块带线条边框

bodyBgImg: <string[] | string>[],
// bodyBgImg: [
// "",
// "",
// "",
// ], // body背景大图,默认无。 单张图片 String | 多张图片 Array, 多张图片时隔bodyBgImgInterval切换一张。
bodyBgImgOpacity: 0.5,
// bodyBgImgOpacity: 0.5, // body背景图透明度,选值 0.1~1.0, 默认0.5
bodyBgImgInterval: 15,
// bodyBgImgInterval: 15, // body多张背景图时的切换间隔, 默认15,单位s
// titleBadge: false, // 文章标题前的图标是否显示,默认true
// titleBadgeIcons: [ // 文章标题前图标的地址,默认主题内置图标
// '图标地址1',
// '图标地址2'
// ],
// contentBgStyle: 1, // 文章内容块的背景风格,默认无. 1 方格 | 2 横线 | 3 竖线 | 4 左斜线 | 5 右斜线 | 6 点状

// updateBar: { // 最近更新栏
// showToArticle: true, // 显示到文章页底部,默认true
// moreArticle: '/archives' // “更多文章”跳转的页面,默认'/archives'
// },
// rightMenuBar: false, // 是否显示右侧文章大纲栏,默认true (屏宽小于1300px下无论如何都不显示)
// sidebarOpen: false, // 初始状态是否打开左侧边栏,默认true
// pageButton: false, // 是否显示快捷翻页按钮,默认true

// 默认外观模式(用户未在页面手动修改过模式时才生效,否则以用户设置的模式为准),可选:'auto' | 'light' | 'dark' | 'read',默认'auto'。
defaultMode: "auto",

// 侧边栏 'structuring' | { mode: 'structuring', collapsable: Boolean} | 'auto' | <自定义> 温馨提示:目录页数据依赖于结构化的侧边栏数据,如果你不设置为'structuring',将无法使用目录页
sidebar: "structuring",
sidebarHoverTriggerOpen: undefined,

// 文章默认的作者信息,(可在md文件中单独配置此信息) string | {name: string, link?: string}
author: {
name: "terwer", // 必需
link: "", // 可选的

// 博主信息 (显示在首页侧边栏)
blogger: {
avatar: "img/photo.jpg",
name: "Terwer",
slogan: "一个后端老菜鸟",
social: <any>undefined,

// 社交图标 (显示于博主信息栏和页脚栏。内置图标:
social: {
iconfontCssFile: undefined,
// iconfontCssFile: '//', // 可选,阿里图标库在线css文件地址,对于主题没有的图标可自己添加。阿里图片库:
icons: [
iconClass: "icon-youjian",
title: "发邮件",
link: "",
iconClass: "icon-github",
title: "GitHub",
link: "",
iconClass: "icon-erji",
title: "听音乐",
link: "",

// 页脚信息
footer: {
createYear: 2011, // 博客创建年份
'Terwer | <a href="" target="_blank">GPL License</a>', // 博客版权信息、备案信息等,支持a标签或换行标签</br>

// 扩展自动生成frontmatter。(当md文件的frontmatter不存在相应的字段时将自动添加。不会覆盖已有的数据。)
extendFrontmatter: {
author: {
name: "xugaoyi",
link: "",

// 自定义html(广告)模块
// htmlModules,
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions apps/zhi-blog/app.vue
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
<NuxtLayout :name="layout">
<NuxtPage />

<script setup lang="ts">
import "./assets/vdoing/fonts/webfont.css"
const layout = "vdoing"
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions apps/zhi-blog/assets/vdoing/fonts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# Notice

DO NOT include webfont.css in any .styl file, do import it in js entry file!

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