A web app designed to be a target for test automation scripts.
The web app is a mock social media site called Lemon. This will present a variety of testing scenarios around test data and automation. The app will have several configurable settings providing different environmental challenges.
The goal of the app is to teach test automation at different difficulty levels while encouraging best practices.
The develop of the app is on going.
You can login as testUser
or any other user on the site with the password of password
Refreshing the page creates a new session with fresh users and posts.
The admin pages allow the test environment to be configured.
The seed is what powers the random data generation. Changing the seed regenerates users and posts.
Various configuration can be edited here.
Registered users are listed here.
Registered users are listed here.
Get a link to share that loads with a defined seed and config.
Run the development server.
$ npm run dev
Build and export to a static site.
$ npm run deploy