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Teuton Panel

teuton-panel is a graphical front-end for teuton.

It includes teuton gem and uses jruby to run it (so there's no need to install teuton separately nor Ruby).

  • v0.6.0 includes teuton 2.2.0 and jruby

For users

Download the appropriate installer for your platform from releases, and install the application.


teuton-panel demo

Mode (main screen)

On the first screen you can choose teuton mode.

Classroom mode

Classroom mode can be used by teachers and students, each one has its section. Teachers can run tests to students machines and analyze results, and students only can analyze their results.

Teachers could choose a recently opened challenge or choose one with a specific config file (optional). If config file is not specified, it will use config.yaml file by default.

⚠️ At the moment it is only available for teachers.

Teacher mode


In the header you have a button to go back, challenge title, a button to open challenge folder on system explorer, a button to reload the results from generated json files, and a button to run the tests.


Description tab shows file rendered as HTML. This files has to be located in the challenge assets folder. If it's missing, it will be generated by teuton.


This tab shows the results by each case, whose information is obtained from the case-*.json files generated by teuton.

You can choose which cases will be tested in the list on the left, so only checked cases will be run when you push the play button.

* corresponds to case identifier.


This tab shows a resume of the last cases results runned. It takes the information from the resume.json file, also generated by teuton.


This tab allows you to edit your challenge configuration.

Comming soon!

Hall of fame

Shows a bar chart with cases results grouped by grade. Only available when there are 3 or more cases.


Shows output of the last execution of teuton.

For developers

Requirements for building teuton-panel:

How to build the application

Execute next commands in BASH (GNU/Linux) or CMD (Windows):

  1. Download source code and change to the project directory:
git clone
cd teuton-panel
  1. Install Rubygems into resources.

  2. Compile and package the project:

mvn package

It generates installation artifacts in target folder.


rubygems manual installation:

  1. Clone teuton project and change current directory:
git clone [-b devel]
cd teuton

-b devel option to clone development branch

  1. Install rake gem if it's necessary:
gem install rake
  1. Build teuton gem:
rake build:gem
  1. Install gems to rubygems in project's resources folder:
gem install teuton-x.y.z.gem --install-dir path/to/teuton-panel/src/main/resources/rubygems --no-user-install --no-document

Ikonli icons list


Thanks to the following contributors, who have provided patches and other assistance:

  • Javier Valencia Rodríguez