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Converting a corpus from the old Glossa to RGlossa

noklesta edited this page Feb 19, 2013 · 1 revision

RGlossa comes with a number of Thor tasks to convert a corpus from the old Glossa version to RGlossa.

  • Start by running a Rake task to copy the Thor tasks from the rglossa gem to your Rails application:

      rake rglossa:install:thor
  • Then run these Thor tasks to dump the metadata from the old MySQL database and convert the dump into the format expected by RGlossa (in these examples, the CWB ID of the corpus is bokmal):

      thor rglossa:metadata:old_glossa:dump --corpus=bokmal
      thor rglossa:metadata:old_glossa:convert --corpus=bokmal --charset=latin1

You can get a list of available Thor tasks by running thor list and more help for specific task by running thor help TASKNAME (e.g. thor help rglossa:metadata:old_glossa:dump).

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