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@textlint/regexp-string-matcher Actions Status: test

Regexp-like string matcher library.


Install with npm:

npm install @textlint/regexp-string-matcher



export interface matchPatternResult {
    match: string;
    startIndex: number;
    endIndex: number;
 * Match regExpLikeStrings and return matchPatternResults
 * @param text target text
 * @param regExpLikeStrings an array of pattern string
export declare const matchPatterns: (text: string, regExpLikeStrings: string[]) => matchPatternResult[];


import { matchPatterns } from "@textlint/regexp-string-matcher";
const inputText = `
GitHub is a web-based hosting service for version control using git.
It is mostly used for computer code.
GitHub launched in 2018-04-10.`;
// RegExp like strings
const inputPatterns = [
    "git", // => /git/g
    "/github/i", // => /github/ig
    "/(\\d{4})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{2})/" // => /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/g

const results = matchPatterns(inputText, inputPatterns);
assert.deepStrictEqual(results, [
    { match: "GitHub", startIndex: 1, endIndex: 7, captures: [] },
    { match: "git", startIndex: 65, endIndex: 68, captures: [] },
    { match: "GitHub", startIndex: 107, endIndex: 113, captures: [] },
    { match: "2018-04-10", startIndex: 126, endIndex: 136, captures: ["2018", "04", "10"] }

RegExp-like String

This library aim to represent RegExp in JSON and use it for ignoring words. g(global) flag and u(unicode) is added by default.

Input Ouput Note
"str" /str/gu convert string to regexp with global
"/str/" /str/gu
"/str/g" /str/gu Duplicated g is just ignored
"/str/i" /str/igu
"/str/u" /str/ug
"/str/m" /str/mgu
"/str/y" /str/ygu
--- --- ---
"/\\d+/" /\d+/gu You should escape meta character like \d
"/(\\d+)/" /\d+/gu You can use capture

⚠️ You should escape meta character like \d in RegExp-like string.

For example, If you want to write \w(any word) in RegExp-like string, you should escape \w to \\w.


This is a pen.

RegExp-like String:

    "/a (\\w+)/"


[ { match: 'a pen', startIndex: 8, endIndex: 13, captures: ["pen"] } ]




GitHub is a web-based hosting service for version control using git.
It is mostly used for computer code.
GitHub launched in 2018-04-10.



results: 2 hits

**GitHub** is a web-based hosting service for version control using git.
It is mostly used for computer code.
**GitHub** launched in 2018-04-10.

Ignore Case match


GitHub is a web-based hosting service for version control using git.
It is mostly used for computer code.
GitHub launched in 2018-04-10.



results:: 3 hits

**Git**Hub is a web-based hosting service for version control using **git**.
It is mostly used for computer code.
**Git**Hub launched in 2018-04-10.

Special character

You should escape special charactor like \d in RegExp-like string.


GitHub is a web-based hosting service for version control using git.
It is mostly used for computer code.
GitHub launched in 2018-04-10.



results:: 1 hit

GitHub is a web-based hosting service for version control using git.
It is mostly used for computer code.
GitHub launched in **2018-04-10**.



1st inline text.

2nd inline text.



results:: 2 hits

1st inline text.

2nd inline text.

For more details, see test/snapshots

Escape bracket


TODO [Issue #1]: it will be fixed


  "/TODO \\[Issue #\\d+\\]:/i"

📝 You should escape bracket both. \\[ and \\],


**TODO [Issue #1]:** it will be fixed


See Releases page.

Running tests

Install devDependencies and Run npm test:

npm i -d && npm test

How to add snapshot tests?

  1. Create new dir to ./snapshots/<name>/
  2. Add input.txt and input-patterns.json
  3. Run npm run test:updateSnapshot
  4. You should verify the output results manually
  5. Run npm test and pass it
  6. Commit it


Pull requests and stars are always welcome.

For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.

  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D



MIT © azu