Simple SQLite based workqueue for running concurrent PHP tasks in the background. Can be used as a simple processor (sending emails, processing uploaded images etc) or to run tasks in parallel.
Still alpha code - do not use in production
- API for monitoring and manipulating jobs.
- Command line interface for monitoring and manipulating jobs.
- Job continuation in the event of power loss etc.
- Custom parameters per job (number of workers, bootstrap file).
- Full logging from workers.
- Priority based task groups.
class Background {
static function say_hi($name) {
return "Hello {$name}";
import "workqueue.php";
// multiple jobs can share the same queue
$queue = WorkQueue::factory('test.queue');
Each job has a bootstrap file which will be loaded by the workers.
It can either contain the tasks or be a generic AutoLoader.
The job also has a maximum number of workers - in this case 2.
$job = $queue->add_job('tasks.php', 2);
// Create some tasks
$queue->add_task($job, 'Background::say_hi', array('Bob'));
$queue->add_task($job, 'Background::say_hi', array('Fred'));
Here we run the job in the current process - note this just starts the workers
and makes sure they dont die.
You can also run asynchronously with run_background($job)
// Fetching results waits for all to complete.
// output: array('Hello Bob', 'Hello Fred');