This is a repository containing the code for replicating the analysis and the figures for the paper:
Multi-Omics Unveils Feature-Level Microbe-Metabolite Linkages Driving Permafrost Greenhouse Gas Dynamics
R scripts from 1 to 2
were used to calculate the ecological processes contributing to microbiome assembly. The input of these scripts include a phylogenetic tree derived from metagenome assembled geneomes and their abundances. Author Hannah Holland Moritz
R scripts from 1 to 5
were adapted from Danczak et al. 2020, to calculate the assembly processes contributing to the peat metabolome. The input of the first script is a report of the relative abundances of masses detected through FT-ICR MS. The outputs of each script serve as input of the following ones.
R scripts in these sections
were adapted from Danczak et al. 2022, to calculate the βNTIfeature value within each habitat across the permafrost gradient. This analysis were performed for the microbiome and metabolome separately. The input for the microbiome analysis include a phylogenetic tree derived from metagenome assembled geneomes and their abundances. The input for the metabolome analysis include the dedrogram (TWCD) and processed report derived from theAssembly Metabolome
: Script for clustering metabolites based on their βNTIfeature value and identifying the representative features per each cluster. Inputs are βNTIfeature matrices filtered by habitat. Outputs are list of representative features per habitat (rep_features_{habitat}.csv
files) and the βNTIfeature values of the representative features (rep_features_{habitat}_bnti.csv
files). -
: Script to calculate the Spearman correlations between the consensus βNTIfeature value of each cluster in each sample against microbial βNTIfeature values, microbial abundances, environmental data (i.e., depth, soil temperature, %C %N, and precipitation) and greenhouse gas (CO2 and CH4) data. Inputs are the the lists of representative features per habitat generated by theCluster_bnti_features.Rmd
and csv files of the previously mentioned datasets. Outputs are csv files with the results of the correlations with every data type (*_correlations.csv
: Script to generate the complete Figure 1 of the paper, including the comparison of the average within-habitat &beta nearest taxon index (βNTI) and the ecological processes driving the microbiome and metabolome across the permafrost gradient. Inputs for this figure derive from results of theAssembly Microbiome
andAssembly Metabolome
folders. Also, it includes correlations of the beta nearest taxon index (βNTI) with environmental factors. Output is Figure 1. -
: Script to generate the complete Figure 2 of the paper, including the correlation networks of the βNTIfeature clusters, as well as the biogeochemical indexes, metabolomome assembly contribution, and elemental composition of the representative features. Inputs are the correlation results generated by theCluster_correlations.Rmd
script, and the βNTIfeature values of the representative features generated by theCluster_bnti_features.Rmd
script. Output is Figure 2. -
: Script to generate the complete Figure 3 of the paper, including the correlation to greenhouse gases (GHG) and functional potential of bacteria associated with the βNTIfeature clusters. Inputs are abundances, βNTIfeature values, and metagenome annotation tables of microbiome performed with DRAM from the bog as well as GHG concentration data. Output is Figure 3. -
: Script to generate the first half of Figure 4 of the paper, the microbial-metabolite co-occurrence networks within each habitat. Inputs are the network's edge files produced by MENAP and chemical information (e.g., elemental composition) of the metabolites in the networks (node_table_annotated.csv
) derived from previous analysis. Additionally this scripts generates Supplementary Figure 4, which includes information about the networks (e.g., number of nodes and edges). Outputs are panels A through C of Figure 4, Supplementary Figure 4, and a table detailing the bacteria present in the networks (networked_bacteria.csv
). -
: Script to generate the other half of Figure 4 of the paper, the Sankey diagrams of the networked bacteria. Inputs are the taxonomical annotation of the networked bacteria (network_nodes_taxonomy.csv
), the phylogenetic tree of the bacteria (provided by Hannah Holland-Moritz) and the Sankey diagram inputs and annotation tables produced by METABOLIC (Metabolic_Sankey_diagram_input_*.txt
files). Additionally this scripts generates Supplementary Figure 5, which indicates the number of annotated and expressed CAZymes present in the networked bacteria. Output is panels D through F of Figure 4 and Supplementary Figure 5. -
: Script to generate Supplementary Figure 1 of the paper which includes the βNTIfeature contribution and the relative percentage of metabolite elemental composition within each habitat. The relative abundance of metabolite elemental compositions and the relative abundance of different metabolite classes in the βNTIfeature devided clusters. Output is Supplementary figure 1. -
: Script to generate Supplementary Figure 2 of the paper which includes the Expression in transcripts per million (TPM) of metagenome assembled genomes (MAGs) that correlated with metabolite-BNTI-feature derived clusters 1 in the bog. Script to generate Supplementary Figure 3 Expression in transcripts per million (TPM) of metagenome assembled genomes (MAGs) that correlated with greenhouse gases in the bog. Output is Supplemenatary Figure 2 and 3. -
: Script to generate Supplementary Figure 6 of the paper which includes the expression in transcripts per million (TPM) of metagenome assembled genomes (MAGs) that form part of the microbe-metabolite networks in the three habitats. Output is supplementary Figure 6. -
: Script to generate Supplementary Figure 7 of the paper which represents ordination plot of the metabolome and microbiome. Metabolome UniFrac PCoA was generated using the TWCD dendrogram Output is supplementary Figure 7. -
: Script to generate Supplementary Figure 8 of the paper which represents a mantel correlogram using Pearson’s correlation coefficient of between-OTU environmental optima and between-OTU phylogenetic distance for environmental variables such as soil temperature, average depth, carbon content, nitrogen content, C:N ratio and precipitation (3-day accumulation). Significant correlations observed as solid squares and non-significant correlations as open squares.. Output is supplementary Figure 8.