Mirror and Serve Package Repos
docker run -it --rm tfhartmann/mrepo
Mirror Repos and start apache to serve them over port 80
docker run -p 80:80 -it -e WEB=True tfhartmann/mrepo
Mirror Repos onto a shared file system - This allows your repos to persist after the container had gone to the bit bucket.
docker run -it --rm -v /nfs/filesystem/repo:/mrepo tfhartmann/mrepo
Mirror just one repo (for any dist it exists in)
docker run -it --rm -v -e REPO=epel tfhartmann/mrepo
Mirror repose and freeze/lock the CentOS repo
docker run -it --rm -e FROZEN=centos6-x86_64 -v /nfs/filesystem/repo:/mrepo tfhartmann/mrepo
Run the container but overide the default repo config file. Use this to define the repos you want for your site
docker run -it --rm -v /mrepo/config/repos.conf:/etc/mrepo.conf.d/repos.conf tfhartmann/mrepo
Passing any value to the WEB variable will start apache at the end of the mrepo run, in a typical run you might pass -e WEB=True
This starts apache after mrepo runs, and will continue to serve the /mrepo/wwwdir until the container is stoped or killed.
This variable takes a single argument, which must be the format "$dist-$arch" and must match the directory in the mrepo srcdir for the repo you want to freeze/lock. You must also have a repo definition in your distro config called 'frozen'
For example, if you wanted to lock a CentOS repo that was configured like this:
name = CentOS $release ($arch)
release = 6.6
arch = x86_64
os = http://archive.kernel.org/centos-vault/$release/os/$arch/
centosplus = http://archive.kernel.org/centos-vault/$release/centosplus/$arch/
updates = http://archive.kernel.org/centos-vault/$release/updates/$arch/
extras = http://archive.kernel.org/centos-vault/$release/extras/$arch/
frozen = file:///mrepo/$dist-$arch/frozen
The value of the frozen variable would be centos6-x86_64
FROZEN Should only be passed once for each repo you want to freeze. It locks the repo at a particular point in time, and passing the FROZEN variable multiple times would updated the frozen repo to the most current version of the packages.
UPDATE defaults to the string "True" and causes mrepo to run with the -guv argument. It can be passed as anything other then true if you want to run this container, but do not want to updated your configured mirrors.
Name of the dist to update, defaults to empty, so all dists are updated.
Cranks up verbosity of mrepo so you can see what its doing