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React App Starter Kit

This project was created with React App SDK — CLI tools and templates for authoring React/Redux applications with just a single dev dependency and zero configuration.

Directory Layout

├── /actions/                   # Redux actions
├── /components/                # Shared or generic UI components
│   ├── /Button/                # Button component
│   ├── /Layout/                # Website layout component
│   ├── /Link  /                # Link component to be used insted of <a>
│   └── /...                    # etc.
├── /core/                      # Core framework
│   ├── /history.js             # Handles client-side navigation
│   ├── /router.js              # Handles routing and data fetching
│   └── /store.js               # Application state manager (Redux)
├── /node_modules/              # 3rd-party libraries and utilities
├── /routes/                    # React components for application routes
│   ├── /Error/                 # Error page
│   ├── /Home/                  # Home page
│   ├── /GetStarted/            # Getting Started page
│   └── /...                    # etc.
├── /public/                    # Static files such as favicon.ico etc.
│   ├── /dist/                  # The folder for compiled output
│   ├── favicon.ico             # Application icon to be displayed in bookmarks
│   ├── robots.txt              # Instructions for search engine crawlers
│   └── /...                    # etc.
├── /test/                      # Unit and integration tests
├── /utils/                     # Utility and helper classes
│── index.ejs                   # EJS template for index.html page
│── main.js                     # React application entry point
│── package.json                # The list of project dependencies and NPM scripts
└── routes.json                 # This list of application routes

How to Run

In order to compile the app and launch a development web server with "live reload" run:

$ npm start

The app should become available at http://localhost:3000

Common Tasks

  • In order to modify the layout of your site, edit components/Layout React component
  • To add custom fonts, page metadata edit index.ejs file in the root of your project
  • To add a new page/screen add a new entry to the routes.json file with routing information, plus add a React component inside the routes folder that will be responsible for rendering that route
  • Need to create small, reusable component (e.g. Button, Slider)? Put that it into the components folder.
  • Style your components with either CSS or inline styles. This project is pre-configured with CSS Modules as well as PostCSS with a nice set of useful plugins (no need to use Sass or LESS).
  • Use core/history.js file for navigation, learn more about it here
  • Learn how to effectively use Browsersync, it will help with cross-device testing.


Have any questions, issues or feature requests, please don't hesitate to get in touch on Gitter or Twitter.


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