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Feliz Binding for ReactJoyride

Feliz.ReactJoyride on Nuget Docs


Install the nuget package

dotnet paket add Feliz.ReactJoyride

and install the npm package

npm install --save react-joyride

or use Femto:

femto install Feliz.ReactJoyride

Start test app

  • Start your test app by cloning this repository and then execute:
dotnet run

Example ReactJoyride

Here is an example ReactJoyride

let Joyride (model:Model) dispatch =
    Joyride.joyride [ model.IsRunning
        joyride.steps [
            steps.step [
                step.content "Click this button to start your tour!"
            steps.step [
                step.content "This is a highlighted section."

let view (model: Model) (dispatch: Msg -> unit) =
    Html.div [
        prop.children [
            Html.section [
                prop.className "section"
                prop.children [
                    Html.h1 [ prop.className "title"; prop.text "Feliz + Bulma + Joyride" ]
                    Html.p [ prop.className "subtitle"; prop.text "A guided tour example using Joyride." ]

                    Html.button [
                        prop.className "button is-primary my-button"
                        prop.text "Start Tour"
                        prop.onClick (fun _ -> dispatch StartTour)

                    Html.div [
                        prop.className "box highlighted-section"
                        prop.text "This is a highlighted Bulma box."

            Joyride model dispatch