HipSTR v0.1
I'm very excited to announce the first official release of HipSTR, a haplotype-based caller for short tandem repeats. Over the past year, I've worked extensively on this tool and feel that it's finally ready for widespread use. HipSTR is a substantial improvement over existing STR genotypers as it explicitly learns stutter models for each STR locus and utilizes a customized hidden Markov model to align reads while accounting for these artifacts. The result is a tool with unprecedented speed and accuracy for genotyping STRs. As this is the first release, we expect that there will be a handful of bugs and would appreciate if you could report these as issues in the github repo.
Thanks for using HipSTR!!
P.S. Github currently has a bug in which submodule code is not included in releases. As a result, the compressed packages below won't correctly compile. Please use either the precompiled binaries or follow the install instructions on the HipSTR main page.