- Note: Visit the Chroma Animation Guide to find the latest supported plugin for Chroma RGB.
This mod uses a companion Chroma app with screen capture to sync game state and play Chroma RGB effects.
- Chroma Animation Guide - Visual examples of the Chroma Animation API methods
Web Chroma Editor - Create Chroma RGB Animations
Roblox Studio - Create Roblox Mods
Upload any texture decals for the mod - Create/Upload Decals
Open RobloxSampleChromaMod.rbxl and edit in Roblox Studio and Hit Play!
or Play from the Web https://www.roblox.com/games/12920629232/Chroma-RGB-in-Roblox
which monitors the screen and playsChroma RGB
for the various game events.
Climbing Effect
Dead Effect
Flying Effect
Keyboard Hotkeys
Idle Effect
Jumping Effect
Running Effect
Seated Effect
Swimming Effect
Chroma RGB - Roblox Mod Overview
Roblox Chroma Mod
Chroma RGB Ring
- The Roblox Mod displays an ImageLabel with the center color of the circle displaying the current game state for the Roblox Companion App to capture and display Chroma effects.
- The Roblox Companion App has a monitor selector and a picture box that centers on the Chroma Ring to capture the game state from the Roblox Mod. The white square marker is where the game state is captured from. The labels in the companion app are just example game states that can be captured. Since the color is 24-bit RGB, each tracking pixel can track 24 independent game states. 8 channels can be captured per color channel using bit operations.
TextButton Script
Notice that LocalScript
is a child of the TextButton
at: StarterGui/ChromaGui/Frame/BtnEffect1/LocalScript.lua
Set the button effect name in a global variable to show in the label background color.
function leftClick()
_G.ChromaEffect = script.Parent.Name;
function rightClick()
_G.ChromaEffect = script.Parent.Name;
ButtonEffectTextLabel Script
-- globals
-- button effects
_G.ChromaEffect = 0;
-- game state
_G.GameStateClimbing = false
_G.GameStateJumping = false
_G.GameStateFlying = false
_G.GameStateRunning = 0
_G.GameStateSwimming = true
_G.GameStateSeated = false
_G.GameStateTextLabel = script.Parent
while wait(0.033) do
-- button state
red = 0
if (_G.ChromaEffect == "BtnEffectNone") then
red = 0
elseif (_G.ChromaEffect == "BtnEffect1") then
red = 1
elseif (_G.ChromaEffect == "BtnEffect2") then
red = 2
elseif (_G.ChromaEffect == "BtnEffect3") then
red = 3
elseif (_G.ChromaEffect == "BtnEffect4") then
red = 4
elseif (_G.ChromaEffect == "BtnEffect5") then
red = 5
elseif (_G.ChromaEffect == "BtnEffect6") then
red = 6
elseif (_G.ChromaEffect == "BtnEffect7") then
red = 7
elseif (_G.ChromaEffect == "BtnEffect8") then
red = 8
elseif (_G.ChromaEffect == "BtnEffect9") then
red = 9
elseif (_G.ChromaEffect == "BtnEffect10") then
red = 10
elseif (_G.ChromaEffect == "BtnEffect11") then
red = 11
elseif (_G.ChromaEffect == "BtnEffect12") then
red = 12
elseif (_G.ChromaEffect == "BtnEffect13") then
red = 13
elseif (_G.ChromaEffect == "BtnEffect14") then
red = 14
elseif (_G.ChromaEffect == "BtnEffect15") then
red = 15
-- game state
green = 0
if _G.GameStateDead then
green = 1
if _G.GameStateClimbing then
green = bit32.bor(green, bit32.lshift(1, 1))
if _G.GameStateJumping then
green = bit32.bor(green, bit32.lshift(1, 2))
if _G.GameStateFlying then
green = bit32.bor(green, bit32.lshift(1, 3))
if _G.GameStateRunning > os.time() then
green = bit32.bor(green, bit32.lshift(1, 4))
if _G.GameStateSwimming then
green = bit32.bor(green, bit32.lshift(1, 5))
if _G.GameStateSeated then
green = bit32.bor(green, bit32.lshift(1, 6))
-- final color
script.Parent.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(red, green, 0)
Starter Chracter Scripts
Add player state to globals to show in the label background color StarterPlayer/StarterCharacterScripts/LocalScript.lua
local character = script.Parent
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local tokenLength = string.len("Enum.HumanoidStateType.")
-- listen to humanoid state
humanoid.StateChanged:Connect(function(oldState, newState)
if (newState ~= nil and oldState ~= newState and newState ~= Enum.HumanoidStateType.None) then
local state = tostring(newState);
if (string.len(state) > tokenLength) then
local strState = string.sub(state, tokenLength + 1)
--print ("ChromaRGB:", string.format("Player_%s", strState))
if (strState == "Dead") then
_G.GameStateDead = true
_G.GameStateClimbing = false
_G.GameStateJumping = false
_G.GameStateFlying = false
_G.GameStateRunning = 0
_G.GameStateSwimming = false
_G.GameStateSeated = false
elseif strState == "Climbing" then
_G.GameStateDead = false
_G.GameStateClimbing = true
_G.GameStateJumping = false
_G.GameStateFlying = false
_G.GameStateRunning = 0
_G.GameStateSwimming = false
_G.GameStateSeated = false
elseif strState == "Jumping" then
_G.GameStateDead = false
_G.GameStateClimbing = false
_G.GameStateJumping = true
_G.GameStateFlying = false
_G.GameStateRunning = 0
_G.GameStateSwimming = false
_G.GameStateSeated = false
elseif strState == "Flying" then
_G.GameStateDead = false
_G.GameStateClimbing = false
_G.GameStateJumping = false
_G.GameStateFlying = true
_G.GameStateRunning = 0
_G.GameStateSwimming = false
_G.GameStateSeated = false
elseif strState == "Landed" then
_G.GameStateDead = false
_G.GameStateClimbing = false
_G.GameStateJumping = false
_G.GameStateFlying = false
_G.GameStateRunning = 0
_G.GameStateSwimming = false
_G.GameStateSeated = false
elseif strState == "Running" then
_G.GameStateDead = false
_G.GameStateClimbing = false
_G.GameStateJumping = false
_G.GameStateFlying = false
_G.GameStateRunning = os.time() + 2
_G.GameStateSwimming = false
_G.GameStateSeated = false
elseif strState == "Seated" then
_G.GameStateDead = false
_G.GameStateClimbing = false
_G.GameStateJumping = false
_G.GameStateFlying = false
_G.GameStateRunning = 0
_G.GameStateSwimming = false
_G.GameStateSeated = true
elseif strState == "Swimming" then
_G.GameStateDead = false
_G.GameStateClimbing = false
_G.GameStateJumping = false
_G.GameStateFlying = false
_G.GameStateRunning = 0
_G.GameStateSwimming = true
_G.GameStateSeated = false
elseif strState == "WASD" then
if (not _G.GameStateDead and
not _G.GameStateClimbing and
not _G.GameStateSwimming and
not _G.GameStateFlying) then
_G.GameStateRunning = os.time() + 2
local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local function onInputBegan(inputObject, gameProcessedEvent)
-- First check if the "gameProcessedEvent" is true
-- This indicates that another script had already processed the input, so this one can be ignored
if gameProcessedEvent then return end
-- Next, check that the input was a keyboard event
if inputObject.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then
if (not _G.GameStateDead) then
if (not _G.GameStateClimbing and
not _G.GameStateSwimming and
not _G.GameStateSeated) then
if (not _G.GameStateFlying and
not _G.GameStateJumping and
inputObject.KeyCode.Name == "W" or
inputObject.KeyCode.Name == "A" or
inputObject.KeyCode.Name == "S" or
inputObject.KeyCode.Name == "D") then
--print("Time:", os.time(), "ChromaRGB:", "Player_WASD")
_G.GameStateRunning = os.time() + 2
elseif (inputObject.KeyCode.Name == "F") then
_G.GameStateFlying = not _G.GameStateFlying
Open WinForm_RobloxChromaMod/WinForm_RobloxChromaMod_Unicode.sln
WinForm_RobloxChromaMod/Form1.cs captures the Roblox display to determine the game state and play Chroma effects for the game events.
Support is available on Discord, you can reach me at tgraupmann