This is a websocket-based visualization for homegear.
You need at least homegear-version 0.8.0-2335!
just clone it into /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc
cd /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc
git clone
and set up your devices in the /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/homegear-web-ui/config.js
as described.
The login-credentials are the same as in homegear
(default: homegear:homegear)
To configure the rooms and categories, edit the config.js:
nano /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/homegear-web-ui/config.js
To configure the ui-elements, edit the variableConfig.js:
nano /var/lib/homegear/www/rpc/homegear-web-ui/variableConfig.js
After you have completed your setup in config.js and variableConfig, you can reach your web-ui under:
And this is how it looks like:
At this time, only one chart is working!