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Streaming course final project assignment

Base project for a final assignment, contains:

  • local environment set up
  • deployment code for staging
  • scaffolding, interfaces and code snippets



  • Python 2.7
  • Docker 1.11 or greater, docker-compose
  • JVM 1.8
  • sbt
  • AWS CLI tools
  • SSH client


To build all of the components - simply run sbt docker from the root project folder. This will compile code, build artifacts and push to the local docker repo.



To deploy local environment and start testing - simply run docker-compose up from the root project folder.

On the first run, you will se topic not found errors in logs - thats because KAFKA_AUTO_CREATE_TOPICS_ENABLE is turned off - you should create topic with appropriate replication factor and number of partitions (see below), while not stopping running cluster.


docker run --net=host --rm confluentinc/cp-kafka:5.1.0 kafka-topics --create --topic test_topic_out --partitions 4 --replication-factor 1 --if-not-exists --zookeeper localhost:2181



  • First of all change STUDENT_NAME environment variable in .env file to your identifier so you will not interfere with other student's deployments

  • Install ecs-cli

  • Get user credentials with AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY from teacher.

  • Configure cli and login to ecr to be able to push images. You can simply use provided script:

    • On Windows, run aws configure first then proceed with staging_configure.cmd
!!! Do not share or commit provided credentials anywhere on the internet

Build and push docker images to ECR

You will be publishing your built docker images to a shared ECR registry. Configurations provided to you here will tag images with $STUDENT_NAME by default - please, do not change this behaviour. You will not be able to fetch someone else's image to your machine.

After building an image with sbt docker you can do sbt dockerPush to push. Or you can do both with dockerBuildAndPush


You're going to operate with three services separately:

  • weather-provider - generator of weather data
  • solar-panel-emulator - generator of sensor data
  • streaming-app - streaming application

Use provided script with the similar to docker-compose style commands. You should specify as a first argument name of the service (same names as specified above) and then follows command like up, ps, start, stop, down, scale 3.

On Windows you have same script available (.cmd)

  • to start your service:
./ <name-of-the-service> up
  • do not forget to stop and clean up:
./ <name-of-the-service> rm --delete-namespace
  • of course you can just stop without deleting the service and then start again using start and stop commands
  • to scale:
./ <name-of-the-service> scale 2
  • list running containers
./ <name-of-the-service> ps

Read AWS ecs-cli documentation if you want/need - above scripts are just wrappers around ecs-cli.


!!! If you use ecs-cli directly make sure you specify --project-name parameter properly, otherwise you may interfere with someone else's deployment. By default in staging_composes script --project-name equals to $STUDENT_NAME-$SERVICE_NAME. Service name created will have a prefix service-. Cloudwatch logs will go into the same group but will have prefix with $STUDENT_NAME-

Logs and debugging your app

This is essential for you to debug. Having the output of the staging_compose ps command with taskId, you can access logs of your service run like this:

ecs-cli logs --task-id 6ef4bc73-9bed-499c-91ee-390da6d2a851 --follow

Interacting with Kafka

At the moment access to kafka is managed from single client ec2 machine. To log in to the machine ask teacher to provide you a pem file and put it to the project root.

To log in to that client machine simply run


If you're on Windows - then configure Putty accordingly - use kafka-client-ec2.pem file provided to you. And make sure you have appropriate permissions set up for the file, otherwise ssh client will warn you (on unix machines chmod 600 kafka-client-ec2.pem)

Once logged in - you can run commands below from the home dir.

Basically, you need 3 types of operations:

  • create/describe/list topics
    • create --zookeeper,, --create --topic test_topic_out --replication-factor 3 --partitions 2
    • describe --zookeeper,, --describe --topic test_topic_out
    • list --zookeeper,, --list
  • consume topic --bootstrap-server,, --topic test_topic_out --from-beginning
  • produce into topic --broker-list,, --topic test_topic_out
!!! Important: the IP addresses of Kafka brokers may change and data in topics deleted. If so - you will be informed in the chat.


On Windows, make sure you configure aws-cli (aws configure) before running staging_configure.cmd

Scripts provided to you were mostly tested on Unix environment - please contact the teacher if you face any problems.


When debugging ecs-cli compose task create outputs with --debug you may find useful piping through

... | awk '{gsub(/\\n/,"\n")}1'

to substitute \n with actual newline

Logging & Debugging

Adjust levels in and in docker-compose KAFKA_LOG4J_LOGGERS. By default they set to WARN for library (kafka/zookeeper/streams/akka/etc) and DEBUG for application code

While debugging streaming app for instance, start from changing log4j.rootLogger from WARN to INFO (DEBUG will give you too much bloat)


We are using Confluent docker images for kafka stack -

Control center deployment can be added for visual monitoring kafka cluster but requires additional components - review compose here -

Running Docker Commands as a Non-Root User

sudo usermod -aG docker <username>
newgrp docker

Management UI

Use portainer if you don't want to interact with docker through cli

docker container run -d -p 9000:9000 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock portainer/portainer

Java base image

To keep containers lightweight - minimal alpine-linux based image is used for java:

docker pull anapsix/alpine-java

Docker clean up

In some cases you may want to recreate everything from scratch and clean up environment, for that, you can use

docker system prune

You can remove particular images as well, by first listing them and then removing:

docker image ls -a
docker rmi <few starting letters of image id>


Create topic

You can use confluent bundled tools to interact with the cluster, e.g. to create topics:

Command to create topic named foo with 4 partitions and replication-factor 1

docker run --net=host --rm confluentinc/cp-kafka:5.1.0 kafka-topics --create --topic foo --partitions 4 --replication-factor 1 --if-not-exists --zookeeper localhost:2181

Produce/consume topic

Or you can use tool as well, e.g.:


Keep in mind that outbound address that kafka broker is listening to is different in this compose configuration, see KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS When interacting with broker from external (local) environment e.g. when using kafkacat, you should use localhost:39092 address in this configuration.

kafkacat -C -b localhost:39092 -t test_topic_out -p 0


echo 'publish to partition 0' | kafkacat -P -b localhost:19092,localhost:29092,localhost:39092 -t foo -p 0

list topics

kafkacat -L -b localhost



This service is responsible for generating solar plant device data - readings from various kinds of sensors. In the simplest variant this can be just a bunch of kafka producers.


You should provide implementation for scheduled updates to the weather topic fetching from any freely available weather apis -

Or you can use ready-to-use wrapper for scala -


Kafka Streams application. The main part of the pipeline - joining and enriching two streams of data.

You should consider KStream / KTable decision while designing a pipeline.

Scaling streaming app

Scaling kafka-streams is as easy as pie - just start one more instance of it. As we use docker-compose we can do so by executing:

docker-compose scale streaming-app=4

Keep in mind that maximum parallelism level is number of partitions in the topic that streaming app consumes.


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