I'm a first year PhD student at the University of Western Ontario interested in all things mathematical logic, especially if category theory and (homotopy) type theory are involved. My supervisor is Dan Christensen. I recently submitted my master's thesis on simplicial homotopy type theory, supervised by Nima Rasekh and Floris van Doorn. Here is the "finished" product.
- I've worked with Lean for a course taught by Floris van Doorn in Bonn and formalized Fodor's lemma, a set-theoretic property of a special class of "big" sets.
- As part of my thesis project I started working with Rzk, a proof assistant designed for synthetic ∞-catrgories. Everything I'm doing with it is here. I recently started an experimental Rzk project about 2-Segal types. It's just like Segal types, only the combinatorics are worse in every way and it's not as useful. Convinced yet?
- Introductory notes on equivariant orthogonal spectra, for a graduate seminar in Bonn.
- Together with Kunhong Du and Tim Lichtnau, we are giving a series of introductory talks on topics in homotopy type theory, as part of our thesis work. Here are the notes.