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JupyterHealth Exchange

JupyterHealth Exchange is a Django web application that facilitates the sharing of user-consented medical data with authorized consumers through a web UI, REST and FHIR APIs.

In the context of JupyterHealth, data producers are typically study participants (FHIR Patients) using the CommonHealth Android App linked to personal devices (eg Glucose Monitors) and data consumers are typically researchers (FHIR Practitioners).

Features include:

Limitations & Status

This project is currently in a Proof of Concept stage, the project can be viewed on GitHub at the following URL:

Getting Started

  1. Set up your Python environment - this project uses Django version 5.1 which requires python 3.10, 3.11, 3.12 or 3.13
  2. Create a new Postgres DB (currently only Postgres is supported because of json functions)
  3. Seed the DB by running the SQL commands found in db/seed.sql
  4. Make a copy of env_example.txt, update the DB_* properties to match the new DB and save it as .env
  5. Ensure the .env is loaded into your Python environment, eg for pipenv run $ pipenv shell
  6. Start the server with $ python runserver
  7. Browse to http://localhost:8000/admin and enter the credentials Jhe1234!
  8. Browse to Applications under Django OAuth Toolkit and create a new application
    • Leave User empty
    • Set Redirect URLs to include http://localhost:8000/auth/callback and any other hosts
    • Set Type to Public
    • Set Authorization Grant Type to Authorization code
    • Leave Secret blank
    • Name the app whatever you like
    • Check Skip authorization
    • Set Algorithm to RSA with SHA-2 256
    • Skip Allowed origins for now10.
  9. Return to the .env file and update OIDC_CLIENT_ID with the newly created app Client ID and restart the python environment and Django server
  10. Browse to http://localhost:8000/ and log in with the credentials Jhe1234!and you should be directed to the /portal/organizations path with some example Organizations is the dropdown

Working with the Web UI

Patients & Practitioners

  • Any user accessing the Web UI is a data consumer and considered a Practitioner
  • Any user uploading data is considered a Patient
  • The same OAuth2.0 strategy is used for both Practitioners and Patients, the only difference being that the credentials are provided out-of-band for Patients


  • An Organization is a group of Practitioners
  • An Organization is typically hierarchical with sub-Organizations eg Institution, Department, Lab etc
  • A Patient belongs to a single Organization (TBD: belong to multiple)
  • A Practitioner belongs to at least one Organization


  • A Study is a Group of Patients and belongs to a single Organization
  • A Study has one or more Data Sources and one or more Scope Requests
  • When a Patient is added to a Study, they must explicitly consent to sharing the requested Scopes before any data (Observations) can be uploaded or shared


  • An Observation is Patient data and belongs to a single Patient
  • An Observation must reference a Patient ID as the subject and a Data Source ID as the device
  • Personal device data is expected to be in the Open mHealth (JSON) format however the system can be easily extended to support any binary data attachments or discrete Observation records
  • Observation data is stored as a valueAttachment in Base 64 encoded JSON binary
  • Authorization to view Observations depends on the relationship of Organization, Study and Consents as described above

Data Sources

  • A Data Source is anything that produces Observations (typically a device app eg iHealth)
  • A Data Source supports one or more Scopes (types) of Observations (eg Blood Glucose)
  • An Observation references a Data Source ID in the device field

Working with APIs

Auth API

  • The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code grant flow with PKCE is used to issue Access, Refresh and ID tokens
  • Endpoints and configuration details can be discovered from the OIDC metadata endpoint: /o/.well-known/openid-configuration
  • Note: make sure to set the Content-Type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" HTTP header
  • The returned Access Token should be included in the Authorization header for all API requests with the prefix Bearer


  • The Admin API is used by the Web UI SPA for Practitioner/Patient/Organization/Study management and Patient data provider apps/clients to manage Patient consents.


  • The profile endpoint returns the current user details.
// GET
    "id": 10001,
    "email": "",
    "firstName": "Peter",
    "lastName": "ThePatient",
    "patient": {
        "id": 40001,

Patient Consents

  • The consents endpoint returns the studies that are pending and consented for the specified Patient. In this example, the Patient has been invited to Demo Study 2 and has already consented to sharing blood glucose data with Demo Study 1.
// GET /api/v1/patients/40001/consents
    "patient": {
        "id": 40001,
    "consolidatedConsentedScopes": [
            "id": 50002,
            "codingSystem": "",
            "codingCode": "omh:blood-pressure:4.0",
            "text": "Blood pressure"
    "studiesPendingConsent": [
            "id": 30002,
            "name": "Demo Study 2",
            "organization": { ... }
            "dataSources": [ ... ],
            "pendingScopeConsents": [
                    "code": {
                        "id": 50002,
                        "codingSystem": "",
          							"codingCode": "omh:blood-pressure:4.0",
                        "text": "Blood pressure"
                    "consented": null
    "studies": [
            "id": 30001,
            "name": "Demo Study 1",
            "organization": { ... },
            "dataSources": [ ... ],
            "scopeConsents": [
                    "code": {
                        "id": 50001,
                        "codingSystem": "",
                        "codingCode": "omh:blood-glucose:4.0",
                        "text": "Blood glucose"
                    "consented": true
  • To respond to requested consents, a POST is sent to the same consents endpoint with the scope and the consented boolean.
// POST /api/v1/patients/40001/consents
  "studyScopeConsents": [
      "studyId": 30002,
      "scopeConsents": [
            "codingSystem": "",
            "codingCode": "omh:blood-pressure:4.0",
            "consented": true
  • A PATCH request can be sent with the same payload to update an existing Consent
  • A DELETE request can be sen with the same payload excluding scopeConsents.consented to delete the Consent



  • The FHIR Patient endpoint returns a list of Patients as a FHIR Bundle for a given Study ID passed as query string parameter_has:Group:member:_id
// GET /fhir/r5/Patient?_has:Group:member:_id=30001
    "resourceType": "Bundle",
    "type": "searchset",
    "entry": [
            "resource": {
                "resourceType": "Patient",
                "id": "40001",
                "meta": {
                    "lastUpdated": "2024-10-23T12:35:25.142027+00:00"
                "identifier": [
                        "value": "fhir-1234",
                        "system": ""
                "name": [
                        "given": [
                        "family": "ThePatient"
                "birthDate": "1980-01-01",
                "telecom": [
                        "value": "",
                        "system": "email"
                        "value": "347-111-1111",
                        "system": "phone"


  • The FHIR Observation endpoint returns a list of Observations as a FHIR Bundle
  • At least one of Study ID, passed as patient._has:Group:member:_id or Patient ID, passed as patient query parameters are required
  • subject.reference references a Patient ID
  • device.reference references a Data Source ID
  • valueAttachment is Base 64 Encoded Binary JSON
// GET /fhir/r5/Observation?patient._has:Group:member:_id=30001&patient=40001&code=|omh:blood-pressure:4.0
    "resourceType": "Bundle",
    "type": "searchset",
    "entry": [
            "resource": {
                "resourceType": "Observation",
                "id": "63416",
                "meta": {
                    "lastUpdated": "2024-10-25T21:14:02.871132+00:00"
                "identifier": [
                        "value": "6e3db887-4a20-3222-9998-2972af6fb091",
                        "system": ""
                "status": "final",
                "subject": {
                    "reference": "Patient/40001"
                "device": {
                  "reference": "Device/70001"
                "code": {
                    "coding": [
                            "code": "omh:blood-pressure:4.0",
                            "system": ""
                "valueAttachment": {
                    "data": "eyJib2R5IjogeyJlZmZlY3RpdmVfdGltZV9mcmFtZSI6IHsiZGF0ZV90aW1lIjogIjIwMjQtMDUt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\nVDA3OjIxOjAwLTA3OjAwIn19",
                    "contentType": "application/json"
  • Observations are uploaded as FHIR Batch bundles sent as a POST to the root endpoint
// POST /fhir/r5/
  "resourceType": "Bundle",
  "type": "batch",
  "entry": [
      "resource": {
        "resourceType": "Observation",
        "status": "final",
        "code": {
          "coding": [
              "system": "",
              "code": "omh:blood-pressure:4.0"
        "subject": {
          "reference": "Patient/40001"
        "device": {
          "reference": "Device/70001"
        "identifier": [
                "value": "6e3db887-4a20-3222-9998-2972af6fb091",
                "system": ""
        "valueAttachment": {
          "contentType": "application/json",
          "data": "eyJzeXN0b2xpY19ibG9vZF9wcmVzc3VyZSI6eyJ2YWx1ZSI6MTQyLCJ1bml0IjoibW1IZyJ9LCJkaWFzdG9saWNfYmxvb2RfcHJlc3N1cmUiOnsidmFsdWUiOjg5LCJ1bml0IjoibW1IZyJ9LCJlZmZlY3RpdmVfdGltZV9mcmFtZSI6eyJkYXRlX3RpbWUiOiIyMDIxLTAzLTE0VDA5OjI1OjAwLTA3OjAwIn19"
      "request": {
        "method": "POST",
        "url": "Observation"



Django is a mature and well-supported web framework but was specifically chosen due to resourcing requirements. There are a few accommodations that had to be made for Django to support FHIR as described below.


  • FHIR uses camelCase whereas Django uses snake_case.
  • The djangorestframework-camel-case library is used to support camelCase but the conversion happens downstream whereas the schema validation happens upstream, so manually calling humps is also required in parts.

DRF Serializers and Pydantic

  • The Django Rest Framework uses the concept of Serializers to validate schemas, whereas the FHIR validator uses Pydantic.

  • It is not reasonable to re-write the entire validation in the Serializer, so instead a combination of the two are used:

    • Top-level fields (most importantly the id of a record) are managed by the Serializer.
    • Nested fields (for example code{}.coding[].system above) are configured as a JSON field in the Serializer (so the top level field is this example is code) and then Pydantic is used to validate the whole schema including nested JSON.
  • There is a library that may allow Pydantic to be used as a Serializer but this needs to be explored further

JSON Responses

  • Postgres has rich JSON support allowing responses to be built directly from a raw Django SQL queries rather than using another layer of transforming logic.

Single Page App (SPA) Web UI

A hard requirement was to avoid additional servers and frameworks (eg npm, react, etc) for the front end Web UI. Django supports traditional server-side templating but a modern Single Page App is better suited to this use case of interacting with the Admin REST API. For these reasons, a simple Vanilla JS SPA has been developed using handlebars to render client side views from static HTML served using Django templates. The only other additional dependencies are oidc-clinet-ts for auth and bootstrap for styling.

Data Model - To be Updated

    "users (FHIR Person)" ||--|{ "user_organizations": ""
    "users (FHIR Person)" ||--|{ "study_practitioners": ""
    "users (FHIR Person)" {
        int id
        jsonb identifer
        varchar password
        varchar name_family
        varchar name_given
        varchar telecom_email
    "organizations (FHIR Organization)" ||--|{ "organizations (FHIR Organization)": ""
    "organizations (FHIR Organization)" ||--|{ "user_organizations": ""
    "organizations (FHIR Organization)" ||--|{ "smart_client_configs": ""
    "organizations (FHIR Organization)" ||--|{ "studies (FHIR Group)": ""
    "organizations (FHIR Organization)" {
        int id
        jsonb identifer
        varchar name
        enum type
        int part_of
    "smart_client_configs" {
        int id
        int organization_id
        varchar well_known_uri
        varchar client_id
        varchar scopes
    "user_organizations" {
        int id
        int user_id
        int organization_id
    "patients (FHIR Patient)" ||--|| "users (FHIR Person)": ""
    "patients (FHIR Patient)" ||--|{ "observations (FHIR Observation)": ""
    "patients (FHIR Patient)" ||--|{ "study_patients": ""
    "patients (FHIR Patient)" {
        int id
        int user_id
        int organization_id
        varchar identifer
        varchar name_family
        varchar name_given
        date   birth_date
        varchar telecom_cell
    "studies (FHIR Group)" ||--|{ "study_patients": ""
    "studies (FHIR Group)" ||--|{ "study_practitioners": ""
    "studies (FHIR Group)" ||--|{ "study_scope_requests": ""
    "studies (FHIR Group)" ||--|{ "study_data_sources": ""
    "studies (FHIR Group)" {
        int id
        int organization_id
        jsonb identifer
        varchar name
        varchar description
    "study_patients" ||--|{ "study_patient_scope_consents": ""
    "study_patients" {
        int id
        int study_id
        int pateint_id
    "study_scope_requests" ||--|{ "codeable_concepts (FHIR CodeableConcept)": ""
    "study_scope_requests" {
        int id
        int study_id
        enum scope_action
        int scope_code_id

    "study_practitioners" {
        int id
        int study_id
        int user_id
    "observations (FHIR Observation)" ||--|| "codeable_concepts (FHIR CodeableConcept)": ""
    "observations (FHIR Observation)" ||--|{ "observation_identifiers": ""
    "observations (FHIR Observation)" ||--|| "data_sources": ""
    "observations (FHIR Observation)" {
        int id
        int subject_patient_id
        int codeable_concept_id
        jsonb value_attachment_data
        timestamp transaction_time

    "observation_identifiers" {
        int id
        int observation_id
        varchar system
        varchar value
    "studies (FHIR Group)" ||--|{ "study_patients": ""
    "codeable_concepts (FHIR CodeableConcept)" {
        int id
        varchar coding_system
        varchar coding_code
        varchar text
    "study_patient_scope_consents" ||--|| "codeable_concepts (FHIR CodeableConcept)": ""
    "study_patient_scope_consents" {
        int id
        int study_patient_id
        enum scope_action
        int scope_code_id
        bool consented
        timestamp consented_time       
    "data_sources" ||--|{ "data_source_supported_scopes": ""
    "data_sources" ||--|{ "study_data_sources": ""
    "data_sources" {
        int id
        varchar name
        enum type
    "data_source_supported_scopes" ||--|| "codeable_concepts (FHIR CodeableConcept)": ""
    "data_source_supported_scopes" {
        int id
        int data_source_id
        int scope_code_id
    "study_data_sources" {
        int id
        int study_id
        int data_source_id


For deployment options and a comprehensive guide take a look at the official Django Deployment docs

Deploying with the included Dockerfile

An example Dockerfile is included to deploy the app using gunicorn and WhiteNoise for static files.

  1. Create a new empty Postgres database (>= v16 recommended)
  2. Edit jhe/.env and update the DB config and the SITE_URL (use jhe/env_example.txt as template)
  3. Migrate the DB by running python migrate
  4. Seed the database by running the SQL commands found in db/seed.sql
  5. From the jhe directory, build the image $ docker build .
  6. Run the image $ docker run -p 8000:8000 <image_id>