This script takes a bunch of community-made tools for the Legion Go and mashes them together into one convenient location. Install, update, and/or uninstall the following:
- Decky Loader
- SimpleDeckyTDP plugin - adjust TDP with a Decky plugin
- LegionGoRemapper plugin - adjust RGBs around the sticks, and remap back buttons
- ROGueENEMY - DualSense emulator
- Handheld Daemon - basically an enhanced version of ROGueENEMY
- steam-patch - fixes TDP and GPU clock speed in QAM, and replaces Steam's button icons to give it a more consistent look
- Legion Go theme for CSS Loader - makes your controller profile actually look like a Legion Go
- PS5 to Xbox controller glyphs for CSS Loader - converts PS5 glyphs to Xbox; recommended after installing ROGueENEMY or HHD
This script is very buggy and you will likely not be able to install everything you need (such as steam-patch). It was primarily made with ChimeraOS in mind but it may be compatible with other Arch-based distros.
See my post or the Legion Go Tricks page for more info.
Download and run the script with:
curl -L | sh
Installing steam-patch is a bit buggy right now, you might need to do the following after installing it:
sudo systemctl stop steam-patch.service
- Download steam-patch artifact and extract
sudo cp steam-patch /usr/bin/
sudo systemctl restart steam-patch.service
- Aarron Lee for the TDP and LeGoRemapper plugins
- corando98 for ROGueENEMY and steam-patch
- Antheas for HHD
- frazse for CSS loader themes