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the-ricker edited this page Jan 6, 2012 · 2 revisions

Summary of bundles in this project:

bundle description notes
com.jeffreyricker.osgi.builder Main build services interfaces The builder service relies on the compiler service, the packager service and the resolver service.
com.jeffreyricker.osgi.builder.impl Implementations of the builder, compiler and packager services
com.jeffreyricker.osgi.resolver OSGi resolver service The key to building bundles is to resolve the dependencies. Each OSGi implementation such as Equinox and Felix has a custom bundle resolver. This bundle provides a resolver as a general purpose service.
com.jeffreyricker.osgi.resolver.sat4j Resolver implemented with the SAT4J libraries
com.jeffreyricker.osgi.repository Implementations of the OSGi Bundle Repository (OBR) service. The SimpleBundleRepository class provides a simple implementation of the repository service. The user adds bundles programmatically. The FileBundleRepository class creates a repository from a directory containing bundles.
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