Fridge-It is a web-app that allows users to keep track of the items in their fridge and intuitively responds with recipe ideas. Multiple users can interact with one fridge and can post bulletin board messages for all of the viewers of the fridge to see.
- nodejs
- express
- postgresql
- sequelize
- unirest
- react
- redux
- firebase
- css
- semantic ui
External api: Spoonacular
If you are not already familiar with Redux, here are the videos we used. Be sure to finish the series in order to get all of the information available:
In order to get this app running, begin with 'npm install'. Then run 'npm start' in order to start nodemon and 'npm run compile' to run webpack. You can view the app in the browser using localhost:3000.
You can find the request routes at server > routes > index.js
Follow steps on in order to get an api key
You will need 2 variables in your .env:
- DB_URL: to link to your postgress database (elephantsql)
- API_FOOD_KEY: to hold your Spoonacular api key
You will need 4 variables in your firebase.json:
- FIREBASE_API_KEY: to hold your firebase api key
- FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN: link to your auth domain
- FIREBASE_DB_URL: link to your fb database
- FIREBASE_STORAGE_BUCKET: link to your storage bucket
The developers of this app:
- Tiffany Phan (project owner)
- Angie Tang (developer)
- Daniel Chong (scrum master)
- Aaron Liss (developer)