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Requests - A REST API for Minecraft Servers

Requests is a PaperMC plugin that provides a RESTful API for Minecraft servers. With Requests, server admins can easily query and interact with their servers using simple REST semantics.


  • RESTful API for Minecraft servers
  • Query server information such as player count and server status
  • Send commands to the server
  • Authenticate requests using API keys
  • Easy to use and integrate


  1. Download the latest version of the plugin from the releases page or from
  2. Place the downloaded JAR file into the plugins folder of your server.
  3. Restart the server.


Requests exposes a RESTful API that can be accessed using HTTP requests. The base URL for the API is http://localhost:5000 and can be configured in config.toml.

salt = "change this"
prefix = "<light_purple>[requests]<reset> "

tokens = "tokens.db"
players = "players.db"

port = 5000
vault = false
luckperms = false


Requests uses API keys to authenticate requests. To generate an master API key, use the following command in the server console:

/api generate-key <name>

The <name> parameter is optional and can be used to give the key a custom name. The generated API key will be displayed in the console.

To generate an player API key, use the following command in game:

/api token new

To authenticate a request, include the API key in the Authorization header of the HTTP request:

Authorization: Bearer <api_key>

API Endpoints

Requests provides the following API endpoints:

GET /server

Returns the status of the Minecraft server.

GET /players

Returns a list of online players on the Minecraft server.

GET /player/<uniqueId>

Returns the information of a player.

POST /command

Sends a command to the Minecraft server. This route can be used by admin token only, and is disabled by default.

Example Requests

Get server status

GET /server HTTP/.1
Authorization: Bearer <api_key>
User-Agent: Example Agent/0.0.1

Get player profile

GET /player/<uniqueId> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <api_key>
User-Agent: Example Agent/0.0.1

Send command

POST /command HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <api_key>
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
User-Agent: Example Agent/0.0.1
Content-Length: 31

{"command":"say Hello, World!"}


To build Requests from source, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the cloned repository: cd requests
  3. Build the plugin using Gradle: ./gradlew shadowJar
  4. The built JAR file will be located at build/libs/requests-<version>-all.jar.


Requests is licensed under the GPL-3 License.