Utility functions for front-end JavaScript development.
There is more than one way to use utilities.js inside your project. I prefer using npm for dependency management.
If you haven't used npm (Node Package manager) before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to install and use npm. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install the utilities.js module with this command inside your project:
npm install utilitiesjs --save-dev
Once the module has been installed, you may integrate that file into your build process (e.g concatenating and uglifying your JS with Grunt or whatever) since the --save-dev
option is meant for development only.
Inherit the prototype from one constructor into another. The prototype of Constructor will be set to a new object created from SuperConstructor.
It does not make use of Object.setPrototype since it's usage is to be avoided following the MDN warning about Object.setPrototypeOf and instead uses Object.create to also fullfill support for older browsers.
Anyway. Here is a code example how to use the utilities.inherits
// make sure utilities.js is already available when this code runs
// a super class
var SuperClass = function() {
this.someProperty = 42;
SuperClass.prototype.justDoIt = function(msg) {
// a class we want to inherit from SuperClass
var DoTheFlop = function() {
// this makes sure to also inherit the properties of SuperClass defined inside it's constructor function
// which may be crucial for it's methods to run
utilities.inherits(DoTheFlop, SuperClass);
DoTheFlop.prototype.flop = function() {
this.justDoIt('Everybody do the flop!');
Turns an array of values into a object.
The mapBy
argument is therefore totally optional.
This function was created because I, as a front-end developer, have to handle a lot of data from API responses. And when I say a lot, I mean a lot. Sometimes more than 2000 objects inside an array with countless attributes hit our clients and I have to enrich them with even more data from different API requests. You can imagine looping over those 2000 objects can be tough for the clients device. So I map these array of objects to an associative object which can be accessed a lot faster by simply doing a member access by the ID. A lot faster and way more performant. That's the story how this function landed inside this repo. For me it's quite handy.
Anyway. Here is a code example how to use the utilities.toObject
// make sure utilities.js is already available when this code runs
var states = ['Sachsen', 'Sachsen-Anhalt', 'Berlin', 'Hamburg'];
var statesObject = utilities.toObject(states);
// results in a not very impressive object with key names representing the array indexes:
// {0: 'Sachsen', 1: 'Sachsen-Anhalt', 2: 'Berlin', 3: 'Hamburg'}
// maybe a way better example
// with some of the punniest headlines ever
var news = [
id: 12001,
headline: 'Tiger goes limp',
subHeadline: 'Pulls out after 9 holes'
id: 666,
headline: 'Croc has beef with cow',
subHeadline: ''
id: 1337,
headline: 'Germans wurst at penalties',
subHeadline: 'New stats prove England are better from the spot'
var newsObject = utilities.toObject(news, 'id');
// results in:
// {
// 12001: { id: 12001, headline: 'Tiger goes limp', subHeadline: 'Pulls out after 9 holes' },
// 666: { id: 666, headline: 'Croc has beef with cow', subHeadline: '' },
// 1337: { id: 1337, headline: 'Germans wurst at penalties', subHeadline: 'New stats prove England are better from the spot' }
// }