A library, coded in 24 hours or so for a school project. Allows to place text blocks in 2D coordinates and make individual slides out of them. No pip dependencies btw
Because check this out:
terminal, default settings
Loading from file (file syntax ↡):
from presenturpy import Presentation
presentation = Presentation.load_from_file("path")
Direct usage:
from presenturpy import Alignment, Presentation, SlideBuilder
slides = []
SlideBuilder() # (x, y), (0,0) is upper left
.add_text("Hello, world!", (Alignment.MIDDLE, Alignment.MIDDLE))
.set_duration(5) # seconds
"Thanks for watching!", (Alignment.MIDDLE, Alignment.BOTTOM),
# If the final slide has a set duration, the slide will be shown until the time runs out.
presentation = Presentation(slides)
Example file:
[5[,0|.0] s|sec|seconds] # Duration, needs confirmation if none
```lu m;10[;0] # Pivot corner (the one you write coordinates for)
Example text # (lu|ld|ru|rd)
Because I have to explain # Side indentation - wraps every line in a number of spaces on each side
a bunch of stuff here # xpos;ypos - allows negative absolute values.
yeah # l|m|r for horizontal alignment, u|m|d for vertical
```+ # + allows word wrapping if you don't mind having 1 letter of the word on the next line sometimes
# If you do, try to adjust side indentation.
--- # Slide delimiter
# Next slide here
- Refactoring (kinda)
- Even more refactoring
- Renaming corners
- Easy slide duplication