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Birthday slack bot


Helps teams to find the best birthday gift for their colleagues.

Get started

Create a New Slack App

  1. Create a new Slack app on the Slack App Dashboard. (From scratch)
  2. Navigate to Basic Information and make a copy of your Signing Secret.
  3. Navigate to OAuth & Permissions sub-page -> install app to workspace -> save your Bot User OAuth Token.
  4. Then scroll below to the Scopes section and add these Bot Token Scopes:
  • channels:read
  • chat:write
  • groups:read
  • im:write
  • mpim:read
  • users:read
  • channels:history
  • groups:history
  • im:history
  • mpim:history
  • mpim:write
  1. Open the Event Subscriptions sub-page -> enable events. (We will add the url later.)
  2. Scroll below Subscribe to bot events and add these scopes:
  • member_joined_channel
  • member_left_channel
  1. Open the Interactivity & Shortcuts sub-page -> enable interactivity. (We will add the url later.)

The bot works with two channels:

  • The core channel is the single source of truth regarding members who are part of the team.
  • The random channel is where the bot will post the gift wish teaser messsages.

You can use the same channel for both it is up to you.

Make sure you have the channel id(s) and add the bot to both channel(s).

SST Setup

  1. Ensure you have an AWS IAM user.
  2. Set secrets:
npx sst secrets set SLACK_LOG_LEVEL debug
npx sst secrets set SLACK_BOT_TOKEN <your-bot-token>
npx sst secrets set SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET <your-signing-secret>
npx sst secrets set CORE_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID <your-test-channel>
npx sst secrets set RANDOM_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID <your-test-channel>
npx sst secrets set ADMIN_SLACK_USER_ID <your-test-user>
npx sst secrets set DEPUTY_ADMIN_SLACK_USER_ID <your-test-user>
  1. Install dependencies: pnpm i

DB Setup

  1. Make sure you have docker-compose available.
  2. Copy the .env file to a .env.local file.
  3. Run docker-compose up -d to start the database.
  4. Run pnpm migration:local to run the migrations.

Run locally

pnpm dev

Add webhook url to Slack

  1. Find the ApiEndpoint url of your deployed app in the console output.
  2. Open the Event Subscriptions sub-page.
  3. Add the url: <ApiEndpoint>/slack/event to the Request URL field.
  4. Slack sends a challenge request to the url to verify the endpoint. Make sure you have the app running locally for it to succeed.
  5. Open the Interactivity & Shortcuts sub-page.
  6. Add the url: <ApiEndpoint>/slack/interaction to the Request URL field.

Run tests

Fill .env.local file with the secrets.

Run all tests in watch mode

pnpm test

Run unit tests

pnpm test:unit

Run integration tests

pnpm test:integration

Run all tests

pnpm test:ci

Manual testing

All urls are displayed in the console output.

  • Ask birthday from everyone: open <ApiEndpoint>/botJoined
  • Ask birthday from specific user: open <ApiEndpoint>/userJoined?userId=<slack user id>
  • Send out birthday fill reminder: open <ApiEndpoint>/birthdayPing
    • Only sends it out to users who have not filled in their birthday yet.
  • Send out icebreaker question: open <ApiEndpoint>/icebreaker
    • Only mentions users whose birthday is between 1 and 3 months.
  • Send out birthday present idea question: open <ApiEndpoint>/askPresentIdeas?userId=<birthday person slack user id>
    • Sends it out related to users whose birthday is in exactly 2 months.
  • Send out birthday present idea + squadjoin question: open <ApiEndpoint>/squadJoin?userId=<birthday person slack user id>
  • Create birthday squad: open <ApiEndpoint>/createBirthdaySquad?userId=<birthday person slack user id>
  • Clean up birthday data: open <ApiEndpoint>/cleanup?userId=<birthday person slack user id>

Generate a new migration

pnpm migration:generate