The following library is a tracing engine originally developed alongside my thesis paper Leveraging Intermediate Artifacts to improve Trace Link Retrieval. In this paper we discuss a set of techniques that retrieve trace links either by directly comparing source and target artifacts, transitively comparing the source artifact to all intermediate artifacts, or a hybrid which combines both direct and transitive techniques.
I have included a script
that will:
- Install the python virtual environment and all its dependencies
- Create .env file containing the absolute path of the engine.
- Create
folder used to be able to cache techniques.
API function documentation can be found here:
There is a proxy class for common tracing operations under api.tracer.Tracer
from api.tables.metric_table import MetricTable
from api.tracer import Tracer
dataset_name = "EasyClinic"
direct_technique = "(. (LSI NT) (0 2))"
transitive_technique = "(x (PCA GLOBAL) ((. (LSI NT) (0 1)) (. (LSI NT) (1 2))))"
hybrid_technique = f"(o (MAX) ({direct_technique} {transitive_technique}))"
technique_definitions = [
("direct", direct_technique),
("transitive", transitive_technique),
("hybrid", hybrid_technique),
metric_table = MetricTable()
tracer = Tracer()
for t_name, t_def in technique_definitions:
t_metrics = tracer.get_metrics(dataset_name, t_def)
metric_table.add(t_metrics, {"name": t_name})
query_id map auc lag name
0 0 0.686343 0.749641 259.621984 direct
1 0 0.432479 0.645247 367.879357 transitive
2 0 0.698789 0.786151 221.761394 hybrid
We notice that these metrics are summary metrics because the entire set of trace links is treated as a single query.
To define technique we use a lisp-like language parser where techniques take the following form:
([technique_symbol] ([variants...]) ([components...]))
Symbol: .
Variants: [AlgebraicModel, TraceType]
Components: [Source Artifact Level, Target Artifact Level]
Symbol: x
Variants: [PathAggregationMethod, ScalingMethod]
Components: [UpperTechnique, LowerTechnique]
Symbol: o
Variants: [TechniqueAggregationMethod]
Components: [ComponentTechniques...]
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