PS: This is an fork of pedrofranceschi's vimfiles with some cool plugins and shortcuts to improve my development.
These are my vimfiles. I created them almost from scratch when I started using Vim and adapted them to my needs.
- Molokai (colorscheme)
- Parsec (colorscheme default)
- CtrlP
- vim-objc
- airline
- snipmate
- tcomment
- Yankstack
- ack.vim
- textobj-user
- textobj-rubyblock
- fugitive
- unimpaired
- surround
- delimitMate
- markdown-folding
- repeat
- indent-guides
- javascript
- togglelist
- vim-numbertoggle
- NERDtree
- sourcebeautify
- golang
- jk-jumps
- dispatch
- Sparkup
- incsearch
- puppet
- plaintasks.vim
- editorconfig
- vim-jade
- ansible-vim
First, you need to install Fira Code font for Powerline and common character ligatures.
Go to your home directory:
cd ~
Clone my vimfiles repo:
git clone --recursive
Rename the repo to .vim in your home directory:
cd vimfiles
mv vimfiles ~/.vim
Link vimrc and gvimrc to your home directory:
ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
ln -s ~/.vim/gvimrc ~/.gvimrc
Open "Monaco-Powerline.otf" and click "Install font" to install Powerline's font which supports fancy characters.
open ~/.vim/Monaco-Powerline.otf
Open Vim:
(if you use MacVim):
Install bundles by typing
Restart vim and enjoy! :)