Easily create, share, and interact with secondary DNA structures.
npm install
npm start
open http://localhost:3000
- data
- config.js (establish connection to db)
- sequenceModel.js (define sequence model + defaults)
- public
- resources (images and icons)
- scripts
- DNA.js (constructor for DNA. D3 force graph inside)
- draw.js (main for draw.html)
- Errors.js (custom error definition for DNA-related errors)
- home.js (main for home.html)
- infobox.js (info/edit box controller)
- settings.js (settings/legend controller)
- smooth-scroll.min.js (create smooth scrolling effect)
- Utils.js (App-wide utilities)
- styles (stylesheets + animate.css for animations)
- draw.html
- home.html
- server.js (server entry point)