Docker Container running Wordpress + HHVM + Nginx with PHP-FPM fallback
This does not come with mysql installation.
##How to use
Make sure to pull the submodules first
git submodule init
git submodule update
First build the container
To start the server just use
PORT=80 DB_HOST="my_wp_host" DB_NAME=wp_test DB_USER=wp_user DB_PASSWORD=wp_pass URL="http://localhost/" ./
To boot this into an interactive shell you can use
PORT=80 DB_HOST="my_wp_host" DB_NAME=wp_test DB_USER=wp_user DB_PASSWORD=wp_pass URL="http://localhost/" ./
As this container does not contain mysql, you need to set one up separately. You can use a hosted solution or the following docker image works also:
If using the local container there are good instructions for the mysql container in the above link. To get the image you simply pull it.
docker pull mysql
You should then remember to create a data container and connect it to the mysql container when you run it using --volumes-from. To link the Gazelle container to the database you use the optional DB_LINK parameter. Pass the name of the mysql container in this parameter and the DB_HOST parameter.
PORT=80 DB_LINK="mysql_container_name" DB_HOST="mysql_container_name" DB_NAME=wp_test DB_USER=wp_user DB_PASSWORD=wp_pass URL="http://localhost/" ./
It will always connect on port 3306, and its url in the container will be the same as the DB container's name.
Based on: