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Write The Docs Portland 2022 Release

Carrie Crowe edited this page May 23, 2022 · 36 revisions

We can use this space to brainstorm the items for possible inclusion to the project’s inaugural release. Working Groups should feel free to edit within their own sections and add to or refine the items listed there.

Working Group leaders!

Please take a look at the section below for your WG and update it as follows:

  1. Scan the list of existing items and:
    1. Confirm that all the items capture there accurately describe initiatives for your WG, removing them if not, and;
    2. Add any initiatives you know of that are missing.
  2. Ensure each initiative/goal has at least a sentence-long summary, although more is permissible. Feel free also to link to any GitHub issues, kanban boards, or other tools you’re using to manage the details/status of the items.
  3. Provide each item a numerical Priority of 1 through 4, with priority 1 being the highest, and 4 the lowest.
  4. Re-order the rows with the most important item (as determined by your internal discussion) first, and the rest in order of descreasing priority.
  5. Finally, look at the prioritized list of initiatives, and draw a line (literally and figuratively) between the items you feel comfortable committing to for the Portland release, as well as any you’d like to target as stretch goals. The rest can remain on this page, as they’ll form the start of our backlog once we migrate to GitLab.

Project Steering Committee

Goal Description Priority Status
Create co-chair role We’re going to experiment with having co-chairs 1 Complete
Paired writing Test out and develop paired writing models in working groups 2 Complete; EMEA-APAC and Community docs is using this model
Release process and project management See template lead updates 1 In progress
Stretch Goals
Code of Conduct committee CoC committee role expansion and training 2 In discussion; will defer until after Portland
Define core user base See Content Strategy 1 In progress
Promotional Slide Deck See Content Strategy 2 In progress

Business Case

Goal Description Priority Status
Create a Docs Fact Pack Powerpoint completed. Move to website post Portland. 1 Complete
Stretch Goals
Establish “business case for docs” guide 2 In progress; deliver post Portland


Goal Description Priority Status
Create MVP version of API Ian wrote an MVP of the Chronologue API using JSON. Ian, Felicity, and I gathered some historic and future events that the mock tool will display. 1 Finished
Design high-fidelity prototype UX Team tests and iterates constantly. Our DoD is that we have something to show for, like an alpha version. Currently, the tool only exists in Figma. 2 Done
Identify documentation needs and define information architecture Preliminary documentation plan 3 Done
Research doc tools setup The documentation for Chronologue will live in the webite_hugo repository and use the Docsy theme. 4 Done
Stretch Goals
Build mock Chronologue tool We’ll build the mock tool once we have the high-fidelity prototype. Work will start probably after the Portland conference. We will focus on finishing the API and API documentation before we start this big task. 1 Pending
Research how to host the mock tool and serve data from API We need to look into how we build the mock tool and host it so it is agnostic of Github. A potential setup could be next.js together with Netlify and Netlify functions for the API. 2 In progress
Create v1 of Chronologue documentation PR: 3 Pending

Community Docs

Goal Description Priority Status
Tutorial template Merge in the final draft of the Tutorial template 1 Complete
Git onboarding Expand our Git training to the rest of the project 2 Nearly done
Stretch Goals
Bug issue template Merge in the final draft of the bug issue template 2 Blocked; won’t make it in
Changelog template Begin drafting template 3 In progress
Contributing guide template Begin drafting template 3 In progress
README template Begin drafting template 3 In progress
Our Team template Submit for community review 4 In community review phase
Code of Conduct template Begin drafting template 3 Nearly ready for community review

Content Strategy

Goal Description Priority Status
Core Strategy RFC Open Core Strategy RFC 1 Completed
Community Outreach Design a questionnaire/survey to connect with potential contributors that attend WTD Portland 1 Completed
Unconference Plan an unconference session for WTD Portland 1 Completed
Community Outreach Set up social media accounts and be active leading up to WTD Portland 2 Completed
Stretch Goals
Substance RFC Continue drafting 2 In Progress/Release After Portland
Structure RFC Begin Drafting 2 Researching/Release After Portland
Workflow RFC Begin Drafting 2 Planning/Release After Portland
Governance RFC Begin Drafting 2 Planning/Release After Portland

Docs Advocacy & Education

Goal Description Priority Status
Queue 5 posts by WTD Portland Writing and editing enough ready-to-publish material to create the touchstones we need as we encourage people to write and edit for the blog 1 In progress
Have blog template ready Making sure the Hugo template for the blog is ready to handle the various styles, parameters, and situations we current anticipate and specified in RFC-002 1 Done
Begin publishing in two-week interval by May Our goal for the first six months of the blog is to sustain biweekly publication. After a few months of sustained output, we can evaluate our rhythm. 1 Awaiting posts
Stretch Goals
Set up social media outlets Still need to set up, and will likely shift that to community management rather than keeping it in the scope of the blog/video group 2 Not focused on
Post-Portland Items We’ll be working on these concurrently or directly after the above items, but we’re not pushing for them to be done in time for Portland
Queue next 5 posts We want to keep a queue going, to make sure we have content—but not to the point where our queue is too large and articles take months to publish
Evaluate process & cadence The first few articles will tell us a lot about what we’re doing right, what opporitunities would could pursue, and what we could do to improve
Cultivate an editorial team A volunteer periodical needs people who can float in and out, able to take on small writing or editing elements. In particular, we need to do that in a way where interested people can learn our process and also suggest new ways of thinking about what we’re doing and how we’re doing it

Doc Tools

Goal Description Priority Status
GitLab migration plan Define our project roles, permissions, and repository structure 1 In progress; creating an RFC


Goal Description Priority Status
Create a roadmap and website for shared-glossaries See 1 Complete
Stretch Goals
Establish de facto shared-glossary standard Std is req’d for sharing between glossaries 1 In progress, target post Portland
Publish prominent glossaries in std format Req’d for pilot testing 2 Not started
Develop tools which use std glossaries Req’d to attract uptake 2 Not started

Template leads

Goal Description Priority Status
New issue template Create an issue template we can use to build out the work for new templates 1 Nearly done
Quickstart template Merge in the final draft of the quickstart template 1 Complete
Stretch Goals
How-to template Create a template for how-to content type 2 In progress; will complete after Portland
API reference template Create a template for the reference section of API documentation 1 In progress; will complete after Portland
Concept template Create a template for concept/explanation content type 3 In progress; will complete after Portland
Create project board for templates Done: Templates Project Board 1 Complete
Handoff from templateers to Chronologuers Need to develop guidelines 2 In discussion
Create organization schema for templates We agreed to create template packs 1 In progress; will complete after Portland
Style guide Build our style guide for templates 2 Will do after Portland
Improve review process Figure out how to speed up the review process 2 In discussion; will complete after Portland
Make a final decision about versioning