This is a Redux Reducer that can be used to get up and running with Optimizely Full Stack quickly!
- Node
- npm
- React
- React-Router
- sync-request
- optimizely JS SDK
- axios
- uuidv4
$ npm install
To get started, please use the following steps:
- Drag and drop 'optimizelyreducer.js' into your reducers folder and update both the datafile and timing variables within the reducer file. See below:
//************ Insert your datafile link below ************
var datafile = 'your datafile link here';
//************ Insert the polling time to trigger a datafile fetch *******
const timing = 5; //input in terms of minutes
- Add it to a combine reducers function. Example below:
import optimizelyReducer from './reducers/optimizelyReducer.js';
const reducer = combineReducers({
- Pass along the functionality/data from the Optimizely Reducer to the components via props. Example below:
const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({state:state.optimizelyReducer});
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({
dataFileManager: (timing, id, attributes) => dispatch({type:'USER_SERVICE', id:id},
dispatch({type:'DATAFILE_MANAGER', timing:timing})),
updateAttr: (attr) => dispatch({type:'UPDATE_ATTR', attr:attr})
App = withRouter(connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(App));
export default App;
- Envoke the datafilemanager action via props in ONLY container componentDidMount(). Example below (all come with userprofileService by default):
componentDidMount() {
//The following line would handle datafile management using a sync configuration and assign a random uuid for the userId //as well as initialize with an empty attribute object
//The following line would handle datafile management async and assign the userId provided with pre-defined attribution
this.props.dataFileManager('async', 'pistolPete', {theMan:true})
- Start Testing!!! Examples of it below:
The actions key is a wrapper around the usual functionality of the JS SDK (A/B testing, event tracking, Feature Management...)
A/B Testing:
// userId and attributes auto applied for all
//Activate Calls
//@key - Experiment Key, String, Required
//@key - Experiment Key, String, Required
Event Tracking:
//@key - Event key, string, Required
//used as an element click track
<button onClick= () => this.props.state.actions.event(key) />
Feature Management:
// userId and attributes auto applied for all
//Is Feature Enabled
//@key - Feature Key, String, Required
//Get Feature Variable
//@key - Experiment Key, String, Required
//@type - data type of feature variable
this.props.state.actions.getFeatureVariable(feature_key, variable_key, type)
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.