If you want to test the site on local, first install the gems
bundle install
Then run
bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl "" --watch
If some reviews are missing on the main page, you can find them by running
echo $(ls -1 _analyses/ | sed 's/\.md//g') $(ls -1 _site/analyses) | sed 's/ /\n/g' | sort | uniq -u
For Turkish sites:
echo $(ls -1 _analyses_tr/ | sed 's/\.md//g') $(ls -1 _site/tr/analyses) | sed 's/ /\n/g' | sort | uniq -u
As of now, an example analysis page looks like this:
layout: analysis
coin: crowdcoin
tldr: "Building an ecosystem to learn/invest/news/exchange/fund cryptos."
score: -1
researcher: demiculus
date: 2018-05-18
conclusion: "Wowsuchgoodgoin"
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