Tech To Keep In Mind for teh Future
- react-icons
- reactstrap
- gatsby-image
- react-reveal
- antd (antdesign)
- react-modal
- react-animated-number
- React-Pose
- react-share
- gatsby-plugin-google-analytics
- Gatsby-Image errors
- Gatsby Docs/Recipes
- ngrok (for unit testing)
- BrowserStack
- React Hooks
- react-codemod
- Awesome React Components and Libraries
- Easy to understand React Hook recipes
- Code Runner
- VSCode-icons
- Prettier in VSCode
- 13 Must have extensions for Frontend
- Cloudflare
- Algoria
- Highcharts
- React Google Charts
- Apollo Client
- Google Cloud Run
- Buttondown Newsletter
- Apple Replaces Bash
- Zsh Terminal Setup
- 10 Terminal Commands You Should Know
- Must Need Terminal Commands