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lambda handlers

Multiple lambda packaged in one docker image, and to create multiple lambda handlers:

Lambda functions

feat(lambda): multiple lambda handlers in one repo

  • refresh-search-index (include search_index.{article,user,tag})
  • check-motor-badge
  • sendmail
  • ipns-listener
  • user-retention
  • likecoin
  • cloudflare-image-stats-alert (not using docker, copy the source code to lambda to deploy)
  • sync-ga4-data
  • archive-user
  • daily-summary-email
  • notification


use docker image for lambda, instead of zip packages:

  • share lib code for multiple lambda in one place;
  • handle dependencies better (ipfs-http-client, opencc, etc);
  • can use latest node-v18 & typescript together, (many other tools have failed)



  • Pull submodule: git submodule update --init
  • Install deps: npm install . && npm run prepare

Format & Lint & Test

  • Run format: npm run format
  • Run lint: npm run lint
  • Run test cases: npm run test


merge to main will trigger build docker image and publish to ECR registry, with version like:


Tips: at development phase, can also manually run docker build -t {above-full-image}:v{date-tag} ., do a login aws ecr get-login-password --region ap-southeast-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <account> first, and push it with docker image push {above-full-image}:v{date-tag}, test it with manually update lambda function image;

Create new lambda worker:

  1. create handler entry code in ./handlers/<new-lambda>.ts, export the handler;
  2. create a PR and after merged, the CI will build and publish to ECR registry: <account><new-version>
  3. from AWS Lambda Console, create the lambda function from docker image, use above full image_uri, fill the handler CMD as <new-lambda>.handler;
  4. in AWS Lambda Console, configure s3 or sns or sqs trigger,
    • or for cron job, use EventBridge can generate events at given cron rules;

Can test trigger from the AWS Lambda Console

You can also deploy lambdas and related AWS resources by Cloudformation, see deployment/ folder.

Add manual auto deploy in Github Action:

after first time manually create the Lambda function, all later updates can be done in Action CI: add proper deploy-<new-lambda>-dev deploy-<new-lambda>-prod jobs in .github/workflows/deploy.yml, the deploy-<new-lambda>-dev will be automatically updating the function after each PR merge, and deploy-<new-lambda>-prod will need a manual approval to be deploying.


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