This is demo project for MW-A Class of STMIK - Mikroskil Medan. This project will drive you to study about the basic native Android Programming. For the "[done] LOGIN & LOGOUT feature" commit, I've put some learning materials we've been approved in class, like:
- Activity - How Activity created and how to use view component from .xml file
- Intent - How to use Intent to move to another Activity (eksplisit - inside same application. may be in the next commit, I'll show you how to open it in implisit way and how to bring data use Bundle)
- Utils - I've made 2 user defined utilizations in this project, such as Session and AesEncrypt. Please, explore these concept.
Please clone this repository and sync the .gradle. Run this project, if you have an error, you can try to solve it your self by open Android Developer. If it can't be solved, please contact me.
If you've already understand this project, please explore it by coding the Register Feature.
- Make your own branch, don't touch the master branch. It is for all of us.
- If you are confident with your code, please ask for pull request. I will appreciate it and it'll got reward from me in your final score.
- If your code is acceptable (it wont make this app error), your name will be one of Authors in this project.
- David Bezalel Laoli (Lecturer)
- Erick Kwantan (Colleger)