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therepo90-render committed Aug 15, 2024
1 parent 7bb040d commit d687fff
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Showing 9 changed files with 790 additions and 84 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docs/

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214 changes: 214 additions & 0 deletions docs/bg.shader.fragment.glsl
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@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;

varying vec2 vUV;
uniform sampler2D iChannel1;
uniform sampler2D iChannel0;
uniform vec2 iMouse;
uniform vec2 iResolution;
uniform vec3 laserTint;
uniform float iTime;

vec2 mod2(vec2 p, float d) {
float a = mod(p.x,d);
float b = mod(p.y,d);
return vec2(a,b);

vec3 laserTex(vec2 uv, vec2 mouse) {

vec3 col=vec3(0);
float thk=0.03;
vec3 barCol=vec3(0,1.0,1.0);
float edgeCloseFactor = smoothstep(mouse.x-thk,mouse.x,uv.x);
float barFactor = edgeCloseFactor* smoothstep(mouse.x+thk,mouse.x, uv.x);
return col;


vec3 laserComposition(vec2 uv, vec2 mouse) {

vec3 laserMask = laserTex(uv,mouse);
vec3 laserCol = laserTint;
return laserMask.x * laserCol *2.;
//return laserMask;


vec2 hash( in vec2 x ) // replace this by something better
const vec2 k = vec2( 0.3183099, 0.3678794 );
x = x*k + k.yx;
return -1.0 + 2.0*fract( 16.0 * k*fract( x.x*x.y*(x.x+x.y)) );

// return gradient noise (in x) and its derivatives (in yz)
vec3 noised( in vec2 p )
vec2 i = floor( p );
vec2 f = fract( p );

#if 1
// quintic interpolation
vec2 u = f*f*f*(f*(f*6.0-15.0)+10.0);
vec2 du = 30.0*f*f*(f*(f-2.0)+1.0);
// cubic interpolation
vec2 u = f*f*(3.0-2.0*f);
vec2 du = 6.0*f*(1.0-f);

vec2 ga = hash( i + vec2(0.0,0.0) );
vec2 gb = hash( i + vec2(1.0,0.0) );
vec2 gc = hash( i + vec2(0.0,1.0) );
vec2 gd = hash( i + vec2(1.0,1.0) );

float va = dot( ga, f - vec2(0.0,0.0) );
float vb = dot( gb, f - vec2(1.0,0.0) );
float vc = dot( gc, f - vec2(0.0,1.0) );
float vd = dot( gd, f - vec2(1.0,1.0) );

return vec3( va + u.x*(vb-va) + u.y*(vc-va) + u.x*u.y*(va-vb-vc+vd), // value
ga + u.x*(gb-ga) + u.y*(gc-ga) + u.x*u.y*(ga-gb-gc+gd) + // derivatives
du * (u.yx*(va-vb-vc+vd) + vec2(vb,vc) - va));

void Unity_GradientNoise_float(vec2 UV, float Scale, out float Out)
Out = noised(UV * Scale).x *0.5 + 0.5;

void Unity_Multiply_float2_float2(vec2 A, vec2 B, out vec2 Out)
Out = A * B;

void Unity_TilingAndOffset_float(vec2 UV, vec2 Tiling, vec2 Offset, out vec2 Out)
Out = UV * Tiling + Offset;

void Unity_Lerp_float4(vec4 A, vec4 B, vec4 T, out vec4 Out)
Out = mix(A, B, T);

void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord)

vec2 mouse = iMouse.xy / iResolution.xy;
//if(mouse.x < 0.01) {
// init
//mouse.x = 0.5;

vec2 uv = fragCoord/iResolution.xy;
float asp = iResolution.y / iResolution.x;

vec2 timeF = vec2(0.1, 0);
vec2 timeOffset = iTime * timeF;
vec2 uvTiled;
Unity_TilingAndOffset_float(uv, vec2 (1, 1) , timeOffset, uvTiled);

float gradientNoise;
Unity_GradientNoise_float(uvTiled, 9., gradientNoise);

float distortionAmount=0.1;
vec4 lerpedValue;
Unity_Lerp_float4(vec4(uv,0.,0.), vec4(gradientNoise),vec4(distortionAmount), lerpedValue);

vec3 laserCol = laserComposition(lerpedValue.xy,mouse);

//vec3 col = lerpedCol;

//float edgeCloseFactor = smoothstep(mouse.x-thk-offset1-0.03,mouse.x-offset1,uv.x);
//float barFactor = edgeCloseFactor* smoothstep(mouse.x+thk-offset1,mouse.x-offset1, uv.x);

vec3 col1=texture2D(iChannel0, uv).xyz;
vec3 col2=texture2D(iChannel1, uv).xyz;
vec3 col;
col=mix(col1,col2,step(mouse.x, lerpedValue.x));
//col = laserTex(uv, mouse);
//col = vec3(uvTiled,0.);
//col = vec3(gradientNoise);
//col = vec3(lerpedValue);

// Output to screen
//col=col2;//texture(iChannel1, uv).xyz;//
fragColor = vec4(col,1.0);

float fancyScene(vec2 uv, vec2 center, float squareSize, float edge) {
float distX = abs(uv.x - center.x);
float distY = abs(uv.y - center.y);
float xVal = smoothstep(squareSize-edge, squareSize, distX);

float yVal = smoothstep(squareSize-edge, squareSize, distY);

float isInsideSquare = xVal+ yVal - xVal*yVal;
return isInsideSquare;

void processBorder( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord, out float sqOut, in vec3 tint ) {
vec2 uvOrig = fragCoord/iResolution.xy;
vec2 uv = 2.0*(fragCoord-.5*iResolution.xy)/iResolution.xy;

vec2 mouse = iMouse.xy / iResolution.xy;
vec3 col=vec3(0);

vec3 barCol=tint;//vec3(0.000,0.384,1.000);
float t = iTime;

float squareSize = 0.99;
float edge = 0.1;
vec2 center = vec2(0,0);

// Polar coords cause we want to move borders outside like in a circle
float d = length(uv); // dist
float alpha = atan(uv.y, uv.x); //-pi to pi, //angle
vec2 pc = vec2(d, alpha); // polar coords holding (dist, angle)

//fancy calc or irregular shape
float sinVal = sin(pc.y*3.+t*3.)*cos(pc.x*18.+t*3.)*0.025 ;

vec2 changedUv = uv;
float sq = fancyScene(changedUv, center, squareSize, edge);
sq = max(0., sq);
//vec3 tex =texture2D(iChannel0,uv).xyz * (abs(sin(iTime*0.3)) +0.5);
vec3 sqCol= (1.-sq)*barCol* (1.+pow(sq,15.));
//col=mix(tex, sqCol,sq);
col = sqCol;
//col+=vec3(1.) * pow(sq,1/3.); // fade to white at the end
//col+=sq * 1. * 0.9;

sqOut = sq;
fragColor = vec4(col,1.0);

void main()
//vec4 mainCol;
//mainImage(mainCol, vUV * iResolution.xy);
float sq;
processBorder(gl_FragColor, vUV * iResolution.xy, sq, laserTint);
//gl_FragColor = mix(mainCol, borderColor, sq);
//gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(1.),1.0);
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/img1.shader.fragment.glsl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord)
vec2 timeF = vec2(0.1, 0);
vec2 timeOffset = iTime * timeF;
vec2 uvTiled;
Unity_TilingAndOffset_float(uv, vec2 (1, 1), timeOffset, uvTiled);
Unity_TilingAndOffset_float(uv, vec2 (1, 1) , timeOffset, uvTiled);

float gradientNoise;
Unity_GradientNoise_float(uvTiled, 9., gradientNoise);
Expand Down

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