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Ritu Raj Pratap Singh edited this page Oct 28, 2024 · 4 revisions
Prefix Description
! HTML5 basic structure
html5:full HTML5 complete structure with header, main, footer
meta:all Complete set of common meta tags including SEO and social media
nav:responsive Responsive navigation bar with toggle button
form:contact Contact form with common fields and styling classes
cards Card component with image, title, text, and button
hero Hero section with title, text, and CTA buttons
table:responsive Responsive table with wrapper
modal Accessible modal dialog
grid CSS Grid container with items
flex Flexbox container with items
input:group Input group with label and help text
video:responsive Responsive video container
footer:full Full footer with multiple sections
script:all Common script tag variations with best practices
a11y:landmarks Common accessibility landmarks with ARIA roles
cookie:banner GDPR compliant cookie consent banner
skeleton Loading skeleton placeholder
search:advanced Advanced search bar with suggestions support
accordion Accessible accordion component
testimonial-card Testimonial card with quote and author
pricing-table Pricing table card
timeline Vertical timeline component
stats-counter Animated statistics counter
image-gallery Responsive image gallery with lightbox
file-upload Drag and drop file upload component
breadcrumbs Accessible breadcrumb navigation
error-404 404 error page template
doctype the document type
a a hyperlink
abbr an abbreviation
address an address element
area an area inside an image map
article an article
aside content aside from the page content
audio sounds content
b bold text
base a base URL for all the links in a page
bdi Used to isolate text that is of unknown directionality
bdo the direction of text display
big Used to make text bigger
blockquote a long quotation
body the body element
br Inserts a single line break
button a push button
canvas graphics
caption a table caption
cite a citation
code computer code text
col attributes for table columns
colgroup group of table columns
command a command button [not supported]
datalist a dropdown list
dd a definition description
del deleted text
details details of an element
dialog a dialog (conversation)
dfn a definition term
div a section in a document
dl a definition list
dt a definition term
em emphasized text
embed external interactive content or plugin
fieldset a fieldset
figcaption a caption for a figure
figure a group of media content, and their caption
footer a footer for a section or page
form a form
h1 header 1
h2 header 2
h3 header 3
h4 header 4
h5 header 5
h6 header 6
head information about the document
header a header for a section or page
hgroup information about a section in a document
hr a horizontal rule
html an html document
i italic text
iframe an inline sub window
img an image
input an input field
ins inserted text
keygen a generated key in a form
kbd keyboard text
label an inline window
legend a title in a fieldset
li a list item
link a resource reference
main the main content of a document
map an image map
mark marked text
menu a menu list
menuitem a menu item [Firefox only]
meta meta information
meter measurement within a predefined range
nav navigation links
noscript a noscript section
object an embedded object
ol an ordered list
optgroup an option group
option an option in a drop-down list
output some types of output
p a paragraph
param a parameter for an object
pre preformatted text
progress progress of a task
q a short quotation
rp Used in ruby annotations to define what to show in unsupported browsers
rt explanation to ruby annotations
ruby ruby annotations
s Used to define strikethrough text
samp sample computer code
script a script
section a section
select a selectable list
small small text
source media resource
span a section in a document
strong strong text
style a style definition
sub sub-scripted text
sup super-scripted text
summary a visible heading for the detail element [limited support]
table a table
tbody a table body
td a table cell
textarea a text area
tfoot a table footer
thead a table head
th a table header
time a date/time
title the document title
tr a table row
track a track for media files
u Used to define underlined text
ul an unordered list
var a variable
video a video
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