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Docker CI

A set of tactics to deal with inequalities in Coq over N, Z and R:

  • pols: simplification
  • polf: factorization
  • polr: replacement

inspired from

To build:

make all

To use it:

Require Import PolTac.


See Nex.v, Zex.v and Rex.v.

Demo: a running example (polr_test2 in Rex.v)

1 subgoal
x : R
y : R
z : R
t : R
u : R
H : t < 0
H1 : y = u
H2 : x + z < y
2 * y * t < x * t + t * u + z * t

We use polf to remove t from the left and the right side of the inequality since t is negative it changes the direction of the inequality.


1 subgoal

H1 : y = u
x + u + z < 2 * y

We use polr to replace u by y in the goal.

polr H1; auto with real.

1 subgoal

H2 : x + z < y
x + y + z < 2 * y

We use polr to bound x + y + z using H2.

polr H2.

2 subgoals
x + y + z < y + y

y + y <= 2 * y

We use pols to simply by y on both sides.


2 subgoals
x + z < y

y + y <= 2 * y

This exactly `H2`.

exact H2.

1 subgoal

y + y <= 2 * y

We use pols to simply by y on both sides.

1 subgoal
0 <= 0


  • Author(s):
    • Laurent Théry
  • License: MIT License
  • Compatible Coq versions: 8.19 or later
  • Additional dependencies: none
  • Coq namespace: PolTac
  • Related publication(s): none

Building and installation instructions

To build and install manually, do:

git clone
cd poltac
make   # or make -j <number-of-cores-on-your-machine> 
make install