This is a Scribd client that's compatible with Composer. It can be found on Packagist: This was based on the original version created by Robert Pottorff.
Just add the package to the require
atttribute of your composer.json
file like so:
"require": {
"nikkobautista/scribd": "dev-master"
$scribd_api_key = "ENTER-YOUR-API-KEY-HERE";
$scribd_secret = "ENTER-YOUR-API-SECRET-HERE";
$scribd = new Scribd\API($scribd_api_key, $scribd_secret);
$file = '../testfile.txt'; //a reference to the file in reference to the current working directory.
$doc_type = null;
$access = null;
$rev_id = null;
$data = $scribd->upload($file, $doc_type, $access, $rev_id); // returns Array ( [doc_id] => 1026598 [access_key] => key-23nvikunhtextwmdjm2i )
$scribd->my_user_id = '143'; # The user ID of one of your users
$url = '';
$doc_type = null;
$access = "public";
$rev_id = null; // By using a id stored in a database, you can update an existing document without creating a new one
$data = $scribd->uploadFromUrl($url, $doc_type, $access, $rev_id); // returns Array ( [doc_id] => 1021237 [access_key] => key-dogbmich9x5iu09kiki )
$data = $scribd->getList();
will return
[result] => Array
[doc_id] => 1018558
[access_key] => key-1s79um0eg9a355arn5sb
[title] => dxva sig 68744
[description] =>
[conversion_status] => DONE
[result 40] => Array
[doc_id] => 1021237
[access_key] => key-dogbmich9x5iu09kiki
[title] => onlisp
[description] =>
[conversion_status] => PROCESSING
$doc_id = "1021237";
$data = $scribd->getConversionStatus($doc_id); // returns PROCESSING
$doc_id = "1026450";
$data = $scribd->getSettings($doc_id); // returns Array ( [doc_id] => 1021237 [title] => onlisp [description] => [access] => public [license] => by-nc [tags] => [show_ads] => default [access_key] => key-dogbmich9x5iu09kiki )
$doc_ids = array("1026450"); // This dosen't HAVE to be an array, im simply demonstrating that it can be done with one.
$title = "New, Updated Title 2";
$description = "Updated Description";
$access = "private";
$license = "pd"; //public domain.. c for normal copyright.. ect.
$parental_advisory = "adult";
$show_ads = "false"; // setting this to "default" will use the configured option in your account
$tags = "tag, another tag, another tag"; //You can also use an array here
$data = $scribd->changeSettings($doc_ids, $title, $description, $access, $license, $parental_advisory, $show_ads, $tags); //returns 1
$doc_id = "1024559";
$data = $scribd->delete($doc_id); //returns 1
$username = "aeinstein3";
$password = "whitehair";
$data = $scribd->login($username, $password); // Array ( [session_key] => sess-1d9t8wze460fbhp7jw0p [user_id] => 195134 [username] => aeinstein3 [name] => )
Note: you need to login as a user before adding files, signup does not automaticly 'sign you in'
$username = "aeinstein3";
$password = "whitehair";
$email = "";
$name = "Alby Dinosour"; // optional
$data = $scribd->signup($username, $password, $email, $name); //returns Array ( [session_key] => sess-1d9t8wze460fbhp7jw0p [user_id] => 195134 [username] => aeinstein3 [name] => )
$query = "fun";
$num_results = 20;
$num_start = 10; // this will bring results 10-30 back
$scope = "all"; // user (default) or all -- using test will throw an error.
$data = $scribd->search($query, $num_results, $num_start, $scope); // returns
}catch( exception $e){
$trace = $e->getTrace();
echo "<br /><b>Scribd Error</b>: ".$e->getMessage()." in <b>".$trace[1]['file']."</b> on line <b>".$trace[1]['line']."</b><br />";
Assuming $scope is set to default or all :)
[result] => Array
[doc_id] => 501796
[title] => Andrew Loomis - Fun WIth a Pencil
[description] =>
[.. cut for brevity ..]
[result 20] => Array
[doc_id] => 515437
[title] => Andrew Loomis - Fun With A Pencil
[description] =>