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wordstress is an opensource whitebox security scanner for wordpress powered websites.


wordstress is a whitebox security scanner for wordpress powered websites.

Site owners don't want to spend time in reading complex blackbox security scan reports trying to remove false positives. A useful security tool must give them only vulnerabilities really affecting installed plugins or themes.

Let's assume, plugin foobar_plugin version 3.4.3 has a sever SQL Injection vulnerability. In one of several wordpress powered website, you installed version 3.2.1 version that is not vulnerable.

A blackbox security scanner will try to enumerate installed plugins but it can't tell the exact installed version. So, using a blackbox approach you'll have a alleged SQL Injection vulnerability you must validate and mitigate. Unfortunately, you will lose precious time to spot a false positive since your plugin is safe.

With wordstress plugin, you'll give the security tool the exact foobar_plugin version installed on the system, 3.2.1. The tool will scan the knowledge base and report 0 vulnerabilities. You save time and you can be focused only on stuff really need your attention.

Of course you may argue that giving on the Internet a place where all your website third parties plugins and themes name with version is not a wise decision. This is correct, that's why wordstress plugin creates a secure access key the scanner must use in order to access /wordstress virtual page.

People without the correct key can't access your website information. The key is unique per server and created with hashing functions so to be resilient to guessing account. Bruteforcing the key will lead to an unsuccessful attempt, and you'll be busted. For sure.

You must pass the correct key value to wordstress ruby gem in order to perform the whitebox scan. If you provide the wrong key or you won't provide a key at all, the wordstress plugin will give no information as output and then no whitebox scan will be possible.

You don't like the key? Just reload the page a couple of times since you're comfortable about the generated entropy and then save the settings.


wordstress scanner, this ruby gem is very easy to install. You need a working ruby environment, please ask your preferred search engine if you need instructions on how to setup ruby on your operating system. Just issue the gem install wordstress command and you're almost ready to start.

To install the wordstress plugin for wordpress you may must:

  • download and unpack the content to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  • activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  • navigate the Settings->Wordstress admin page
  • every time you enter wordstress setting page, a new key is automagically generated, to increase entropy you may want to reload the page a couple of times. When you're comfortable with the generated key, press the "Save Changes" button. The virtual page is now available at the url http://youblogurl/wordstress?wordstress-key=the_key
  • from the command line, use wordstress security scanner this way: wordstress -u http://yourblogurl/wordstress -k the_key
  • enjoy results

Why another tool?

wpscan is a great tool and wordstress do use wpvulndb API as knowledge base, that is the same KB enpowering wpscan.

For some very personal issues I need some features that wpscan doesn't have out of the box, of couse I can fork it and contributing, but since they are mostly on presentation and scanning steps, it would be a major rewrite rather than a pull request.

True to be told, I added basic authentication support in December 2012. I don't want to impose my own scanning vision and my very particular scanning needs, then I started a smaller project.

Another thing I don't like about wpscan is that isn't distributed as ruby gem. I want a security tool that follows 'the ruby way'.

Furthermore, wordstress is designed to be more accurate in whitebox testing. During those years I was very upset as pentester with false positives about themes and plugins and their version. Since an authenticated check is necessary to match scan results with installed plugin (or theme) version, I tought it was a better idea to start authenticated from the beginning.


Using wordstress from command line is pretty easy. There are 2 mandatory arguments, the key to use to query the wordpress plugin and the target url.

$ wordstress -k d4a34e43b5d74c822830b5c4690eccbb621aa372

By default, wordstress doesn't look for inactive themes or inactive plugins vulnerabilities. This means that if foobar_plugin installed version is vulnerable to privilege escalation, wordstress scanner by default won't raise an alarm if the foobar_plugin is not active.

If you want to include vulnerabilities for all themes and vulnerabilities you can use -T and -P flags.

$ wordstress -k d4a34e43b5d74c822830b5c4690eccbb621aa372 -T -P

Examples: $ wordstress -k d4a34e43b5d74c822830b5c4690eccbb621aa372 -B basic_user:basic_password

-k, --key uses the key to access wordstress plugin content on target website -B, --basic-auth user:pwd uses 'user' and 'pwd' as basic auth credentials to target website

Plugins and themes specific flags

-T, --fetch-all-themes-vulns retrieves vulnerabilities also for inactive themes -P, --fetch-all-plugins-vulns retrieves vulnerabilities also for inactive plugins

Service flags

-D, --debug enters dawn debug mode -v, --version shows version information -h, --help shows this help

Online resource

Wordstress homepage Wordstress plugin Attacking Wordpress

Killing features

  • A great knowledge base powered by wpvulndb API
  • Standard rubygem distribution
  • Whitebox testing using existing wordpress user for template and themes vulnerabilities.
  • Information gathering from robots.txt file (planned)
  • SQL and CSV output. Suitable for script integration (planned)
  • Massive websites scan from text file (planned)
  • SSL server rating using Qualys SSL Labs rating guide (planned)


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/wordstress/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


A security scanner for Wordpress blogging engine







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