The programs I wrote for the Encoding data in dubstep drops
blog post:
Note this does not work on Windows machines at this point in time
- SoX (Sound Exchange) - Convert various formats of computer audio files to other formats. Also applies various effects to these sound files
sudo apt-get install sox
- Google Golang - Google's Go Language
sudo apt-get install golang
- Note: You will need to set the GOPATH
- FFMPEG - Decode, encode, filter and play files
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
- Note: If you have not set your GOPATH correctly, it will not be able to perform the
go get
Acquire repos:
go get
go get
Once they have downloaded, navigate to the '' folder. By default it can be found through the home/ directory
cd benjojo
cd dubstep-data
go env
go build
Once go has compiled the main file, you will need to edit the bash script ''.
./ASK-dubstep -input -data "$2"
./dubstep-data -input -data "$2"
This will be fixed at a later date.
./ "*.wav" "`date`"
If you encounter an error with Sox, saying that the "filter frequency must be less than sample-rate / 2", this might be an indication that the wav file is corrupt or too small.
The script file will complete, creating new files, most importantly the 'encoded-bassline.wav'.
Move to the decode folder
cd decode
go build
ffmpeg -i ../encoded-bassline.wav -f f64le -ar 44100 -ac 1 -y
To show steganograph:
mkfifo sound
ffplay -f f64le -ar 44100 -ac 1 -i sound & cat | tee sound | ./decode -input /dev/stdin
Otherwise run cat | tee sound | ./decode -input /dev/stdin
To view the decoded message: