Node module for asynchronous CSS file concatenation. Looks for @import statements and replaces them with the actual content of the file if it exists, otherwise it just leaves the @import statement as-is.
Use it in your scripts by specifying a file
Cocat = require('cocat');
filename: 'path_to_file.css'
}, function(err, output) {
// ...
Or by specifying a string and a path to use instead
Cocat = require('cocat');
content: '/* CSS GOES HERE */'
path: '../foo/bar/'
}, function(err, output) {
// ...
It also works great on the command line:
Usage: cocat [options] input.css [output.css]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-s, --save save output to a file based on the inputfile name
$ cocat bar.css # concats and ouputs to stdout
$ cocat -s foo.css # concats and saves to foo.concat.css
$ cocat baz.css qux.css # concats and saves to qux.css
Happy concatenating!