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Albertas Vyšniauskas edited this page Mar 22, 2015 · 1 revision


This page provides all the necessary information needed to translate Gpick into new languages and updating existing translations.


Getting newest template.pot file

There are several ways to get an updated template:

  • Template file can be generated by executing scons template command in the development directory. Template file is generated in "build/" directory. This is preferred method, because you will always have the latest translation file, however this requires source files and some additional tools like "scons", "xgettext".
  • You can download latest template file by clicking the following link: template.pot. This file will be updated after each Gpick release.

Translating into new language

"gpick.po" file can be created by using "msginit" program like this: msginit --locale=en --input=template.pot --output=gpick.po. Alternatively, this can be done by using "poEdit" program:

  • Click on "File->New Catalog from POT File..." menu item.
  • Select "template.pot" file.
  • Fill catalog properties.
  • Save as "gpick.po".

Updating existing translation

"gpick.po" file can be updated by using "msgmerge" program like this: msgmerge gpick.po template.pot > new_gpick.po Alternatively, this can be done by using "poEdit" program:

  • Open "gpick.po" with "poEdit".
  • Click on "Catalog->Update from POT file..." menu item.
  • Select "template.pot" file.

Submitting translations

Either create a new issue and attach your translation to it, or e-mail the translated "gpick.po" file to

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