Extension that enables the generation of large CSV files.
With this extension you can generate and download huge csv files. Every time you need a updated csv you can go to the admin panel and trigger the cron. The cron is only executed when you say so, I mean, you say to the extension: I want a new updated csv! This behaviour avoids wasting of processing. (Let´s save the environment!)
It also enables you create report from views or tables
- Export Customers
- Export Orders
- Export Products
- Export Content From Specific Views
- Export Content From Specific Tables
- Modman
modgit add csvexport git@github.com:thiagolima-bm/magento-csvexport.git
- Downloading
This extension works is pretty much plug and play. You may need enabled it :) To do so, go to System > Configuration > Acaldeira > Csv Exporter In the tab CSV Exporter: Enabled = Yes
In order to enable the custom reports, you have to enable it at: System > Configuration > Acaldeira > Csv Exporter
Then you can create as many report as you want :)
Customers Header
Customers Template
{{var customer.name}};{{var customer.email}};{{var customer.gender}};{{var customer.dob}}
Orders Header
Orders Template
{{var order.increment_id}};{{var order.created_at}};{{var order.grand_total}};{{var order.customer_email}}
Catalog Header
Catalog Template
{{var product.name}};{{var product.sku}};{{var product.price}}
You can also use loops if you need iterate through order items, e.g.:
{{for item in order.all_visible_items}}
{{var loop.index}};{{var item.sku}};{{var item.name}};{{var item.price}};{{var item.ordered_qty}}
The code is self explanatory but if you have any questions, do not hesitate in contacting me.
If you do not know how to create a mysql view, is pretty simple:
Supposing that you have this query to extract the coupon usage report:
select u.coupon_id, c.code, count(*) as total from salesrule_coupon_usage u, salesrule_coupon c where u.coupon_id=c.coupon_id group by u.coupon_id;
And the query for creating the view becomes:
create view view_coupon_usage AS select u.coupon_id, c.code, count(*) as total from salesrule_coupon_usage u, salesrule_coupon c where u.coupon_id=c.coupon_id group by u.coupon_id;
This is it. Pretty simple. If you open your database, you will probably see a new table (view) "view_coupon_usage"
Now you can go to Report > CSV Reports > Add Report and create a new custom report. (use the same view name "view_coupon_usage" in this case)
Want to contribute? That's great! Here's you can get started.
If your contribution doesn't fit with an existing issue, go ahead and create an issue before submitting a Pull Request.
If you need some customizations or new features and do not know how to do it, please contact me :)