AWS dashboard powered by Dashing-js & Node.js
- dashing: "The exceptionally handsome dashboard framework in Ruby and Coffeescript" -
- dashing-js: "Port of Dashing to node.js" -
- instal Node.js
- turn config.ex.js into config.js & replace default values
- start the server: "node server.js"
- go and check the dashboard at http://localhost:3030
- EC2 instances
- Elastic Load Balancers
- EC2 Security Groups
- S3 Buckets & Objects
- Elastic IPs
- ElastiCache (clusters, nodes and security groups)
- Route 53 (hosted zones and record set)
- RDS instances
- EBS volumes and Snapshots
- JOB_REFRESH property needs 'cron' like syntax, the value in config.ex.js will run the cron job every 30 seconds
- Values for 'data-max' property of Meters widget:
- EC2 instances: API call
- Load Balancers: 20
- Elastic IPs: API call
- RDS: 40
- ElastiCache instances: 20