Application coded during this course.
I deviated from the course quite a lot to add more features and explore server side rendering with
composer install
Customize all empty variables.
If you use MariaDB, DB_VERSION
should start with mariadb-
then the version number, else only specifying the version
number should suffice.
php bin/console lexik:jwt:generate-keypair
php bin/console doctrine:database:create
php bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate
Run in dedicated terminals:
symfony server:start
yarn encore:dev
yarn encore:dev:serverside
node renderingExternalServer.js
You may need to add export PATH=$PATH:/home/{user}/.nvm/versions/node/{version}/bin
(replace {user}
) to /etc/apache2/envvars
, so the SSR bundle is able to run JS
server side.
pm2 start renderingExternalServer.js --name symfony-react-api-platform-rendering
pm2 save