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Kromster80 edited this page Mar 29, 2015 · 2 revisions

###Instructions for project compilation


This instruction explains how to compile a working project.


  • Microsoft Windows OS: XP or higher (we did not test 95, 98, Me, 2000, but they would probably work as well)
  • Delphi (version 2009 or higher) or Lazarus (0.9 or higher)
  • SVN client (Tortoise SVN or any other of your choice)
  • OpenGL 1.5 compliant GPU
  • Original "Knights and Merchants: The Peasants Rebellion" data files

Optional (can be ignored or skipped with conditional switches):

  • madExcept installed
  • OpenAL drivers installed


  • Install Git client if you don't have one. TortoiseGit is good.
  • Clone the project onto your PC using Git client. Right-click in a folder where you want the project to be (e.g. "C:\My Documents") and select from drop-down menu "Git Clone". Specify path to our repository, "" and destination folder (e.g. "C:\My Documents\kam_remake"). Git will do its job in couple of minutes.
    *From now on paths will be written as relative, so e.g. ".\Maps" means "C:\My Documents\kam_remake\Maps"
  • Copy resource files from your "Knights and Merchants: The Peasants Rebellion" installation. You need ".\data" folder, copy whole of it into project folder. When asked - replace all of the existing files/folders.
  • Now to revert several replaced files - Right-click inside project folder and select Git > Revert. Revert all the changes made to project files in ".\data" folder.
  • Copy all the *.rx files from ".\data\gfx\res\" to ".\SpriteResource\" folder.
  • Launch the Delphi/Lazarus and open ".\Utils\RXXPacker\RXXPacker.dpr" project. Compile and launch it. Select all the available items and press "Repack". This will convert sprites to format we use in game.
  • You won't have our private network authentication unit, so open ".\KaM" file with Notepad and place a dot like so "{.$DEFINE USESECUREAUTH}". This will make Delphi skip all the code within USESECUREAUTH clauses. This authentication unit makes it harder for someone to join a multiplayer game using an unofficial client that they compiled themselves. If you somehow have our private network authentication unit (or you wrote your own) then you can skip this step.
  • If you don't have madExcept installed, then open ".\KaM" file with Notepad and place a dot like so "{.$DEFINE USE_MAD_EXCEPT}". This will make Delphi skip all the code within USE_MAD_EXCEPT clauses. If you have madExcept installed - skip this step.
  • Now you can open ".\KaM Remake.groupproj" (if you have Delphi XE+) project and compile the project and/or its utility tools. Or ".\KaM Remake.dpr" if you have older Delphi version.