NOTE: gin 1.8.0
support this feat.
go get
package main
import (
func main() {
r := gin.Default()
// 静态html文件
embedfs.HTML(r, embedfs.WWW{
EmbedFs: testdata.Staticfs,
EmbedTplPatterns: []string{"static/index.html", "static/views/*"},
TplPatterns: []string{"testdata/static/ixx.html"},
RelativePathToTpl: map[string]string{
"/": "index.html",
"/index": "index.html",
"/hello": "hello.html",
"/ioo": "ioo.html",
"/ixx": "ixx.html",
// 系统文件
r.StaticFS("/xss", http.Dir("testdata/static/css"))
r.StaticFS("/xmg", http.Dir("testdata/static/img"))
r.StaticFile("/5.png", "testdata/static/5.png")
r.StaticFile("/6.jpg", "testdata/static/views/6.jpg")
// 嵌入绑定的文件
cssFs, _ := fs.Sub(testdata.Staticfs, "static/css")
r.StaticFS("/css", http.FS(cssFs))
imgFs, _ := fs.Sub(testdata.Staticfs, "static/img")
r.StaticFS("/img", http.FS(imgFs))
embedfs.StaticFileFS(r, "/1.png", "static/1.png", http.FS(testdata.Staticfs))
embedfs.StaticFileFS(r, "/4.png", "static/views/4.png", http.FS(testdata.Staticfs))
err := r.Run(":9000")
if err != nil {
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