PodQuest will never give up and never surrender. Through this you will not have to worry about finding your podcasts in the ocean of other audio media out there as we do it for you! It is an app where you can find, listen, favorite, and even subscribe to your personal podcasts.
- React
- React-Howler
- React - Redux
- React-Router-Dom
- React-Table
- Redux
- Redux-Form
- Redux-Thunk
- JavaScript
- CSS3
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Mongoose
- Passport
- Bcryptjs
- Morgan
- Xml2js
- Cors
- Heroku
- Github
- MLab
- Enzyme
- Mocha
- Chai
- Chai-http
- Cypress
Click to view itunes-API documentation Click to view react-howler documentation
- Christopher Gonzalez
- John Cosgrove
- Clinton Owen
- Shelly Leung
- Kathy LeBoeuf